Brother has REALLY bad drug problem?

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Brother has REALLY bad drug problem?

by Sapphire


My older brother has a really bad drug problem, and i think our whole family pretty much thinks their is no saving him. He is so far gone, but i just want him to be better. Can you help me?

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There is ALWAYS hope!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Sapphire,

Based on your question it sounds like your brother is slowing killing himself with drugs. If he is as bad as you describe, the only option you have to help him is getting him into a place where he can safely detox and has no access to drugs. There are only two places that can stop your brother from getting access to drugs: inpatient treatment or jail.

Your family needs to pull together and get your brother into one of those two places either with an intervention or by calling the police and having him arrested. Even if he has been in treatment before it can still work.

Call your doctor or hospital and describe the severity of the situation and ask for their help. They will likely recommend a treatment center that specializes in his drug of choice: heroin, cocaine, etc. Go in and meet with them and have them help you to do an intervention ASAP! Listen to them and do everything they say, let them help you to help your brother.

Once he is in treatment the entire family needs to go to Al-anon to learn how to help your brother once he is done with treatment. Relapse is common and you all need to learn how to avoid enabling your brother.

If the intervention doesn’t work and your brother refuses treatment then you should work with the police to have him arrested, incarceration can OFTEN get someone’s attention so that they agree to treatment.

Good Luck and try to take action today, right now so you can save your brother’s life!


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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