Can i have my Brother back?

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Can i have my Brother back?

by Kaycee

(California )

It all started his freshman year of high school…. ditching class to go smoke a “Stogy” to ditching class to go and get high… He was a 4.0 student all through his 4 years of high school with the help of me and my friends we always did his homework…. because i wanted my brother to graduate so he would get the job of his dreams and hopefully that would stop his addiction…

NO it did not even budge he graduated high school in 2013 with the help of me… Kaycee. I am only 18 years old and and i suffer from depression and anxiety…. it does not help me at all for the fact that i do not get to see my brother on a daily basis… i only see him maybe once a year.. and that kills me because my brother is my world and i want to do anything and everything in my power top help my brother.

He is 21 now and has gotten arrested twice. He got arrested the first time for being at a party where the cops showed up because there was too much noise and he was caught selling drugs to people. The second reason he got arrested, he did a burglary back in March of 2015…

While he was in jail he was doing awesome and i got to talk to him all the time. He would always call me and ask me how i am doing and how my son is doing… (yes i have a son he is 1.. i was 16 when i was pregnant with him and had him when i was 17 August 23rd).

He got out of jail and he came home and was doing goof, I got him a job and he met a girl and was doing awesome wanting a family until….. his buddy hit him up and asked him if he wanted to smoke a “stogy” he said “yes but only one cause i am clean and i am doing good…..”

Well it was high school all over again, he went from a little “stogy” to doing drugs again after i got him up and on his feet… His girlfriend left him because he was using. She came to me and told me he was using and i broke down and wanted to blame this all on myself cause i wasn’t watching him better…

He was baby sitting my son the week before the news hit me… i could only assume that he was doing it with my son…. late one night i could hear him banging on my door “LET ME IN”. I opened the door with my gun in my hand scared he was gonna attack me. He busted in through my door and ran and took a shower.

I called my dad crying telling him everything and my father called the cops. The cops showed up and he was under the influence and had 4 grams of meth on him. He got arrested that night and i was crying.

I’ve called and called the police station to talk to him and he keeps telling them that he wants nothing to do with me. I love my brother to death and i don’t know what to do i just want my brother back!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Drugs often take people from us much too soon!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Kaycee,

Sadly, your brother is blaming you for things that he and his drug addiction are causing. Your father did exactly the right thing, because hopefully your brother will get clean in jail, as he did before, and your dad will have saved his life.

Drug addiction is a progressive disease of the brain which is often fatal. Your brother has to quit to save his life and that’s what your dad is trying to do… save your brother’s life.

Hopefully, at some point your brother will get treatment for his addiction, and they will help him realize that he caused his own problems and he will accept your love again.

I recommend that you start attending Al-anon meetings in your area so you can learn about your brother’s addiction and learn how to deal with him once he is released from jail. Al-anon and working the 12 steps should allow you to learn how to love your brother but avoid enabling his drug abuse in any way.

Good luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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