Crystal meth has caused sores that won’t stop spreading what and how can i cure them?

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Crystal meth has caused sores that won’t stop spreading what and how can i cure them?

What creams or medications will help cure sores that are caused from using crystal meth?

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Likely have Meth Mites.

by: Debbie Wicker

Methamphetamine is a drug that attacks the brain and causes both psychological and physiological problems. Meth mites or sores are a very common problem caused by meth addiction. Sadly, meth mites or sores are considered to be a psychotic symptom. What does that mean?

The brain of the meth user convinces them that they have bugs on their body and causes them to start itching and scratching to get rid of the bugs. Once they start itching and scratching then the sores develop and often need medical treatment to clear up the infection. There sores a are an extremely serious symptom of meth addiction and the psychosis is likely to get worse.

The best way to get rid of these sores is to stop using meth. Once you withdraw from meth then the brain will stop causing these psychotic symptoms and the mites will go away. The addict won’t have the sensation of bugs on their body and will stop scratching so that new sores will not form.

Ending meth addiction is very difficult but not impossible. Consider attending AA or NA daily and begin working the 12-steps. You will hopefully learn how to live a happy, joyous and free life without needing to use meth.

Psychosis caused my meth addiction is often a progressive disease which can only be treated once the addict has stopped using meth.

Good Luck and there is hope,


Strong mind or weak minded!

by: Anonymous

No, it’s not hard to quit you just have to be strong minded and just know that you’re doing okay. I use to use meth, it will take you fast if u don’t understand or if you don’t just quit using it! idk

Cold sore cream & Acne wash

by: Anonymous

I use Zovirax. In my experience meth sores act like a combination between coldsores and acne. If they are on your face, use an acne face wash and an anti-viral coldsore cream. Try not to pick them and stop using. Eat healthy and get plenty of sleep and you should recover from the new ones in 2-3 days.

Bad news is that anyone who’s seen them before will know what they are, so it might be hard to hide that you’re a meth addict.

The worse the gear is, the more chance you’ll get them.

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