Drug addiction

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Drug addiction

by A.S.


Hello everyone,

i am a girl from Albania (a small country near Greece). Lately, my family and I are really concerned about my brother. We can’t tell if he is addicted or not that’s why i need help.

He had a girlfriend and they are constantly on and off…every time they are together everything is fine, but when they are apart he starts spending a lot of money, goes out with people we don’t know every day till 5a.m in the morning and spends a lot of money.

Whenever my parents won’t give him money he becomes a “drama-queen” and is not well-behaved! He starts yelling and threatens in different ways. Once he even broke a chair!

My mom found him smoking weed twice and got really scared he might be in trouble.

Now, since Albania is a third world country and there is no rehab i would like to hear a honest answer.

Please let me know as soon as possible.

Best wishes,

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Not enough information to know if it is drug addiction.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear A. S.,

Drug addiction is a disease of the brain and effects each of us differently. None of the symptoms you have described about your brother are specific enough to say he is drug addicted. That does not mean that he isn’t drug addicted it just means that there is insufficient evidence to point to addiction.

There are AA and Al-anon meetings in Albania, and I would recommend that you try to attend an Al-anon meeting to find out as much as you can about addiction.

I also recommend that you CALMLY ask your brother if he is using drugs or alcohol and try to find out how much he is using and how often. Drinking alcohol can cause as many issues as any other drug and is often the problem someone is having if their behavior becomes erratic.

Don’t accuse your brother but try to find out what is happening to him that is causes these changes in his behavior.

Once you begin attending Al-anon meetings either in person or online they will help you to learn how to best help your brother.

Here is a link to AA and Al-anon meetings being held in Albania:


Good Luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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