Ex doing drugs?

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Ex doing drugs?

by Concerned

(Boynton Beach, FL, USA)

I think my ex is using drugs and is high sometimes when she picks my son up for visitation. Am I able to refuse to give her our child for her visitation if I think she’s high and can I call the cops and have her drug tested on the spot by police in order for her to take him if not high?

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Custody situations very difficult.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Concerned,

Custody situations are very challenging and as a counselor I’ve worked with many parents whose ex’s are using or potentially using drugs and/or alcohol and seem to be impaired during the pickup for a custody exchange.

Each police department is likely different, but the ones I’ve seen don’t like to get involved with custody issues because because then they’re involved is A LOT disputes that they generally don’t have the manpower to support.

I would recommend that prior to the situation you stop in to the police station in your area and have a calm conversation with them and ask for their advice as to what you should do. This way you’re following their procedures and you can respond quickly if you think your ex is driving while being impaired. If she is not driving they probably won’t respond.

You’re in a difficult situation that many have faced and there are no easy answers because even if she is drug/alcohol addicted the courts will continue to give her custody of her children. Generally, the focus of family courts is keeping both parents involved with their children, so if they are willing to have custody then they are awarded it.

Good Luck,


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