How to get my life back from Yaba????

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How to get my life back from Yaba????

by Ifty


I’ve been taking Yaba pills since September 2014, means its now 2 years that I am addicted. Let me celebrate my 2 years addicted life. You people won’t believe I’m a dad of 2 kids, 2.2 yrs boy & 1 month girl. They are the most blessed kids coz they have an addicted Dad . I used to take 1/day, then 2/day, then 3/day, then…… .

I’m now left with 2 options, either quite Yaba or quite Life. My only concern now Only & only to get rid of this life controlled by Yaba. Can’t go to a doctor at this moment coz I tried but couldn’t meet. Need your support badly. Please!!

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You must get treatment and detox support from a doctor to end your addiction.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Ifty,

Knowing that you need to stop is a good first step! I’m so terribly sorry that you’re struggling with Yaba addiction. Yaba is a mixture of methamphetamine and caffeine. Because it contains methamphetamine medical supervision is usually required for withdrawal and detoxification.

Abuse of methamphetamine changes the brain chemistry and withdrawal is the process the brain goes through in order to return to it’s original state. Medical support (help from a doctor), can EASE the symptoms caused by the withdrawal process by prescribing medications easing the negative symptoms of this process.

Therefore I have two recommendations for you as you stop using Yaba:

1. Call a doctor and let them know that you’re addicted to Yaba and want medical support for detoxification. This support is likely needed for at least three months.

2. Start attending Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings DAILY!

AA and NA programs use a process called the 12 Steps. This program was developed over the last 150 years and has been shown by clinical research to be VERY effective at helping you to end your Yaba addiction.

There is an old saying in AA that “the steps work if you work them”. You need to go to AA and NA meetings and start working the 12 steps.

If you do these two things you will find that you can successfully end your addiction to Yaba. Remember, Yaba addiction is a disease of the brain and left untreated it is almost always fatal. If you start working the 12 steps you can learn how to recover from these terrible disease.

Family support is also very useful. If you have family or loved ones, ask them to start working the steps with you. They can attend Al-anon while your attending AA or NA.

The more support you get, the more likely you will be successful at ending your addiction.

Good Luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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