I used to date a drug addict

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I used to date a drug addict

I never thought I would be scrolling through a site like this relating to all these stories. I am a 35 year old single mom who works and is going to college to be in the medical field.

A year ago I dated a guy 10 years younger than me and we worked together which I probably shouldn’t have tried dating a co-worker but we had a great connection. I fell in love with him fairly quickly, we both had recently gotten out of relationships as well.

It was about three months into the relationship and he overdosed on my bathroom floor with my kid and his kid in my apartment. I had no idea until that moment, it was devastating. His family got involved and he quit cold turkey, the state got involved with his child and everything.

He stayed clean(as far as I know for months) he left me and went back to his ex. I was hurt and the fact I had to see him everyday at work was more crushing, six months went by and we slowly became friends again and he was saying how unhappy he was, I suspected he was using while living there in the end before he moved…

He left her and got his own apartment, and we spent a little time together he has never been allowed around my son by the way, via wishes from my sons dad. Well recently I had spent some time with him and noticed he was using again, shooting up pills and I also suspect heroin, because of his behavior and he had been going back and forth between his ex and me. We caught him lying and deceiving us both 🙁 .

I told him I couldn’t be with him anymore and he couldn’t accept it and was irrational for two days threatening that I should worry for him, and he was left with nothing and it was all my fault.

I reached out to his family about his relapse and they had suspected it had been going on for months. I quit my job because he was being so awful to me at work and I couldn’t take it. The pain of the lies and seeing him ruin his life and having him treat me so rudely daily at the work place.

I recently had to call the cops because he was calling me and screaming at me for ruining his life, his family is yet involved again trying to get him to get help. But he refuses, I am away from it now but I think of him constantly and the pain and guilt is still here .

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Get help for yourself!

by: Debbie Wicker

You need to get some support to get through this! I recommend that you begin IMMEDIATELY attend Al-anon meetings and working the 12 steps. Al-anon will help you to understand more about what you have and are experiencing.

You did exactly the right thing and Al-anon can help you to move past this awful experience.

Good Luck,

Debbie Wicker

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and Finally Remember:

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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