I want a cure for addiction?

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I want a cure for addiction?

by Olalekan

I just need tips on how to cure DRUG addict?

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Sadly, no cure yet!

by: Debbie Wicker

Many people would love to cure their own or their loved ones addiction. But like diabetes or multiple sclerosis, addiction is a chronic disease which can be manged but not cured.

Addiction is a disease that effects the brain, and once someone is truly addicted to a chemical substance they will always be susceptible to relapse and declining back into their addiction if they begin using again.

There is no pill or counseling or any other treatment available to cure addiction but it can be MANAGED so that the drug addict can live a good life.

Managing addiction often includes working the 12 steps of AA. The 12 steps allow you to come to grips with your drug addiction and help to teach you the necessary tools needed to rebuild your life.

During the course of addiction many people alienate their loved ones and family and are alone and isolated. Working the 12 steps allows the addict to work through these issues and reconnect with his/her friends and family. Rebuilding the life lost because of addiction is the best way to MANAGE an addiction.

Many addicts spend at least ten years going to 12 step meeting, working the steps for themselves and also helping others to learn how to manage their own addiction. Helping others to end their addictions can be a great way for an addict to keep themselves in recovery.

If you want to help a drug addict or yourself start going to meetings DAILY and learn about the 12 steps!

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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