I want to help my son to end his addiction?

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I want to help my son to end his addiction?

by Seema

I want to know how to help my addicted son, who is only 18 years old, so that he can get relief from his addiction to the drug Yaba.

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Go to Al-anon and learn how to help your son.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Seema,

Yaba, is a combination of methamphetamine and caffeine. Most of it is produced in Myanmar and sold to Thailand and Bangladesh. Yaba, as with meth, is HIGHLY addictive and has very bad side effects for those addicted.

Yaba addiction is a disease of the brain and recovery is only possible if you go through detoxification and addiction treatment.

Millions of people have stopped their addictions through the 12 step program created by AA(Alcoholics Anonymous). Look for Al-anon meetings in your area and begin to attend them three times a week. Try to find a sponsor whose son was addicted to Yaba and was helped AA. Work the steps because the you will understand your son’s addiction MUCH better and be much more useful in trying to get him to end his addiction.

Also, it would be very good if you could go to Al-anon meetings to learn how help your son to re-train his brain not to need the Yaba drug. His brain tells him that he must have the Yaba to live but this is not true. He needs to go through the 12-steps offered by AA and re-train his brain to no longer need the drug.

Detoxification from the drug will be difficult for him and he should get medical support as he stops using it, but once he goes through detox (which could take up to two weeks) he will still have a huge craving for the drug. That’s what the meetings are for, to help him to fight the cravings.

AA was created for alcohol but works just as well for Yaba. He must learn how to take control of his life and take his brain back from Yaba. If you both attend meetings you will both be learning how to help him to end his dependence on Yaba.

Good Luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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