I want to stop!

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I want to stop!

by Gaurav


I want to get rid of the habit of taking drugs. I’ve had this addiction for the last 20 years and I am feeling so much strange? I really want to get rid of this addiction!

Please help me.

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Addiction often negatively effects our health, you certainly MUST stop.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Gaurav,

Based on what you’ve said it sounds like you are having negative health effects from your addiction.

Drug addiction attacks our brain and convinces us that we MUST to use. Your brain has been under attack for 20 years so you need to proceed quickly but cautiously as you move away from your addiction. Hopefully, many of the negative health effects that you’re experiencing can be reversed over time.

The first thing I would recommend that you do is to go to a doctor who specializes in addiction treatment and have him/her create an addiction treatment plan for you. It should include medical support for detox as the first step.

Because you have been using for 20 years you need medical support to detox safely. Full detox can take up to six months and sometimes more depending on the drug and how it has manifested itself in your system.

As you are detoxing you should also be receiving treatment. Here is a list of possible treatments you could receive:

– Individual therapy

– Group therapy

– Family therapy

– Mindfulness Training

– Grief and trauma support

You should also immediately begin attending 12 step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous DAILY.

The 12 steps will help you to understand your addiction and learn how to live a happy and joyous free from drugs. Also, find a good sponsor at your 12 step meetings who has beaten their addiction and allow your sponsor to help you to end yours.

Good Luck,


One day at a time

by: Anonymous

Please allow yourself a chance to experience some hope and attend an 12 step group. You will meet other people with your struggle and not feel so out of touch. It saved my life and i have 6 1/2 yrs clean. Give yourself a break and begin the healing process…. best thing i have ever done for myself!!!!

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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