I’m addicted to gambling, heroin, alcohol, and smoking?

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I’m addicted to gambling, heroin, alcohol, and smoking?

by Thomas

I’m addicted to gambling, heroin, alcohol, and smoking? I recently had a big loss in my life because my dog, that I had for 6 years, sadly passed away. I have been in debt with the credit union to feed my gambling addiction, I would really appreciate a chat with somebody who can understand and help me …

Thank you!!!

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Please go to a local 12-step meeting

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Thomas,

Everything you need is right where you’re at if you reach out to find it. Please, please find local 12-step meetings and begin to attend them.

Once you begin attend these meetings you will meet many people who have been where you’re at now, and you can begin to talk to them and get support from them.

The addictions you have are attacking you’re brain and blocking you from experiencing the daily pleasures of life. The best way to end them is to work the 12-steps and to re-train your brain so you no longer have to self-medicate to be happy.

I love dogs and have lost them and still miss them, but because I’m drug free, I can accept the loss and move forward with my life. You should be able to do this too, once you learn to understand yourself and understand why you need these addictions to get through a day.

There is always hope and if you become willing to work the 12-steps they will work for you.

Good luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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