My addict husband broke up with me.

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My addict husband broke up with me.

by Liezl

(Cebu City, Philippines)

Hi –

I am married for 13 years and I was aware of my husband’s history of using drugs when he was a teenager. We fought for our relationship and he proved that he can change.

My parents weren’t able to accept him completely and we experienced a lot of problems and just recently his addiction has gotten worst. He broke up with me and blamed me for what happened to our marriage. I know it was not all my fault because the addiction became a cycle for many years but I was willing to take him back.

A month a go, he gave up on our relationship thinking that it will not work anymore. I asked him for a chance but he wouldn’t listen. I know he is so hooked to meth now more than ever. I want him back because I can’t give up on him because he is my husband and I believe that God is the only one who can change him.

Every time I look for him he runs away and never contacts me anymore. I know he needs help and I know that at this point I could no longer do anything but to pray. Is he coming back? I want to overcome the fear and agony of missing him each day.

We don’t have a child so I’m thinking he has nothing to come back to. What should I do at this point? I don’t know where he is.



Comments for My addict husband broke up with me.

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You’re in a very difficult position.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Liezl,

You’re in a difficult position but you must try to remain strong. Meth addictions attacks the brain and often cause MAJOR mental health disruptions. Your husband is not likely to get rid of his anger at you until he stops using meth.

You need to begin to heal from this very traumatic experience and also get support from others who have been where you’re at now.

I’m unfamiliar with Cebu but there are Al-anon meetings that you try to attend. For example there is a meeting at:

– Weekly meetings in Cebu at Redemptorist Church, in The Convento conference room, in the back of the church, off Juana Osmena Street – at Aboitiz Street and Queen’s Road.

Here is a link that lists other meeting that you may be able to attend:

Attending Al-anon meetings with help to fully understand the addiction that your husband has and should help you to find the resources you need to help him.

Good luck and please keeping praying for your husband,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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