My finance uses crack cocaine after being clean for ten years?

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My finance uses crack cocaine after being clean for ten years?

I am writing because my finance that is 50 years old had been clean for ten years at least this is what he told me when we first started dating back in April 29, 2005 and its been 4 1/2 years now that I have been trying to help him but its only gotten worse and I am afraid that he can end up dead.

I moved out with my kids because I could not take him leaving and not hearing from him in 2 or three days to find out if he was alive. I am the only person he has here in Florida all his family live in California and I have reached out to them but they say that he is a grown man and he needs to ask for help.

Please give me guidance so I can truly help him. His choice of drug is crack cocaine.

Comments for My finance uses crack cocaine after being clean for ten years?

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You Get Help First

by: Ned Wicker

You are in a difficult position. As long as he is using crack, you and your fiance will have no future together, other than a dead end.

You need to take a stand. What does he want? Does he want the love of a good woman, who cares for him? Or, does he want to do drugs?

You cannot force him into treatment, but you must give him an ultimatum– either he goes into treatment for his crack addiction, or you are leaving.

That will tell you a lot.

You need to put your foot down and demand positive action. Be ready to leave. Be willing to leave. If he doesn’t get treatment, you will be left out of his life and you will have nothing.

Al-Anon is a great resource for you. Take care of yourself first.


by: Anonymous

Look, you need to find out why he’s started up again after so long? This could just be a relapse and as a recovered crack head myself i can tell you that that’s when your needed most?

Something must have happened to make him do this after all the hard work to stay clean! Once you find out what it is, then you can start fixing the problem, but if he’s doing it just because he wants to again, then there’s nothing left for you. I’m sorry but that’s the truth.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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