My son has been addicted for MANY years and I NEED help?

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My son has been addicted for MANY years and I NEED help?

by Kay

I am looking for a support group for parents with kids addicted to cocaine and alcohol. My son is 31 and has been using illegal substances since about 14. He is violent and abusive when high.

I really can’t take any more and really need support to do what is best both for my son and myself.

If you know of an organization that I could turn to please, I would really love to hear from you as I am at my wits end and very worried about my son!!!

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Al-anon always a good choice

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Kay,

It sounds like the situation with your son has reached a crisis level. You must try to put your own safety first when dealing with an addict.

The drugs have taken over your son’s brain and he is NOT reasoning the way he would without drugs. Violence is often a problem is advanced stage addiction and you must protect your self from your son because he is capable of anything.

The first place to consider going for support is to your doctor or local hospital. They will know all of the drug treatment centers and family therapy groups available in your local area.

Try to find a few good Al-anon meetings and begin attending them at least three times a week. Also, start working the 12 steps so that you can learn as much as possible about your son’s addiction and how it has effected you and your entire family. Try to find a sponsor at the Al-anon meeting so that they can walk with you through this very sad and dangerous time.

If your son is violent I also recommend you call the police and consider putting him in jail. Many, many addicts have detoxed while in jail and have stopped using. I don’t know your situation and only you can decide the best steps to take, but law enforcement may be able to help you much more than you realize.

Good Luck,


Not alone

by: Anonymous

I have a 23 year old, who asked for help a year ago. Cleaned up, kept a job until last week, just before two court appearances.

I too look for support and help and will take the suggested programs as they are given.

Nice to know we aren’t alone in this battle with our children.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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