Pregnancy and drug use in the U.S.

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Pregnancy and drug use in the U.S.

by Alicia


We’re trying to spread the word about the shocking statistics surrounding
pregnancy and drug use in the U.S. and I wanted to pass along a link to a
motion graphic we just published! –

Video by 12 Palms Recovery Center

I really feel that your site would be perfect venue for this graphic. Your
readers are clearly passionate about issues involving healthcare; including
addiction and the mental and physical health of expecting mothers and their
unborn children. The video breaks down the amount of children born with defects
in the U.S. in correlation with the amount of drug-related pregnancies that
occur, and explains how each drug can harm your baby!

We’ve spent a ton of time crunching numbers and designing a really in-depth
graphic and we’re trying to get it in front of as many people as we can. 🙂
There’s an embed code at the bottom of the video, to make it easy to feature.

I’d be honored if you would feature my work, but ultimately the most important
thing is bringing these shocking facts to light. Over 4% of pregnant women in
the U.S. use drugs during pregnancy, putting thousands of unborn children at
risk – the public needs to become aware of this problem! I’d really appreciate
if you could help me spread the word!

Let me know if you end up embedding it onto your site. We are up for promoting
it on our end and are planning on getting a handful of retweets, Facebook
shares and doing a StumbleUpon campaign for each site that posts it. We would
definitely send some new readers your way!

Keep up the great work!
Best wishes,

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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