Son addicted to alcohol or smoking?

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Son addicted to alcohol or smoking?

by Peter

My only son,19 years old, is a university student at Dubai. He is addicted to alcohol or smoking (tobacco in pipe). He was a high scoring student. In last month, one day he become violent and hospitalized due to alcohol/smoking induced condition.

Now he admits that he has done the same thing for past one year and now he stopped smoking and drinking, but we knew that he is still continuing both in hiding. Our family life become miserable. He is on medication for psychosis (olimelt and lamitrogin).

He is always make argument with parents for money and the talk is very rough. He doesn’t want to visit psychiatrist also.

What do I have to do? Discontinue his studies and put him in to de-addiction center or continue the study in this atmosphere (violent and risky environment). He doesn’t want to be involved in any physical activities and is gaining weight. But still he is OK with studies.

Please advice???

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Complex and difficult situation

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Peter,

Your son has a very complex problem. The fact that he is on anti-psychotic medication and has become violent is a huge red flag for me. I recommend that you take him to a doctor for a complete physical examination and drug test, letting the doctor know the entire situation. You should do this as soon as possible.

You should also take him back to his psychiatrist for a complete assessment and diagnosis. Why is the psychiatrist prescribing such strong drugs for your son and how long is he likely to need them? You should also ask the psychiatrist whether your son needs some type of counseling or addiction treatment.

Mixing large amounts of alcohol with anti-psychotic medications is never a good idea and could cause very negative effects for your son. The clearer your understanding about your son’s illness the more help you can be to him.

Good Luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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