When talking becomes a struggle, Art Therapy may help!

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When talking becomes a struggle, Art Therapy may help!

by Debbie Wicker


Addiction recovery is helped when we can open up different areas of ourself.

Addiction recovery is helped when we can open up different areas of ourself.

With addiction… often life becomes a struggle! Self expression through therapy and art is a unique alternative to REACH the inside!

Art is a process that utilizes art media, images, the creative art process in conjunction with the person’s response to the created products as reflections of an individual’s development, abilities, personality, interests, concerns and conflicts.

Art Therapy for Addiction/Alcoholism Support

Effective therapy with art involves the blending of knowledge of human development, psychological assessment; treatment that reconciles emotional conflicts fosters self awareness, developing/improving social skills.

Additionally it can help to manage behavioral problems, reduce anxiety, aid reality orientation and increase self esteem.

How it works!

The Art Therapy process provides you with a unique opportunity to capture the emotional barriers that may be trapped inside the psyche and only can be expressed through a subconscious process.

The subconscious process is the art process that releases emotions and/or conflicts, sometimes without a person realizing its focus, until it presents itself in an art form.

Once the expression of emotion or conflict shows itself within the art form, it enables you to express the feelings behind the barrier, such as anger, depression, isolation, or what ever the issue may be.

Allowing the emotion and/or conflict to come to the “outside” helps the pain to be alleviated and communicated through the art form moving the focus to be solely on the external self.

It often gives a sense of self-healing since the process was put forth by the self; your own inner strength, inner subconscious, inner resources, thus creating a sense of value and self appreciation.

The self-healing then helps the addict/alcoholic to move toward the 12-Step process with an open mind and a better understanding of the emotional issues that have surrounded their addiction/alcoholism.


– Self Directed Stability to Increase Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance

– Achieves the ability to connect the young child and the oppositional adolescent at the source of their pain

– Motivates expression of self, directly from The SOUL

– Inspires Personal Growth

– Promotes interpersonal Understanding

– Enables Stress Reduction

– Encourages Relief from Grief and Loss


Art Therapy is one of the most exciting, and unique types of counseling in use today. It is an effective treatment for the addict/alcoholic in many diverse settings and groups. Populations of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds are served well.

Art therapy can be used for couples, families and other group therapy formats.

If you’d like more information please email: [email protected] and ask about Art Therapy groups available.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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