Where did I go wrong?

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Where did I go wrong?

by Jacquie

I need help finding a group meeting for families that need help coping with drug addiction…My daughter (I have just found is an addict) & I’m having trouble understanding it & wondering where I went wrong with her as a parent…Please contact me ASAP with info….Thank You

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We each choose our own path.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Jacquie,

Finding out that our daughter is drug addicted has got to be one of the most challenging and difficult discoveries that we can make. Sadly, drug abuse has regained a strong foothold in this country and it seems to be getting worse.

The good news is that because you are now aware of the problem you can position yourself to help your daughter as much as possible without enabling her addiction in any way.

The best way that I know of to learn about helping your daughter is with Al-anon. Al-anon meetings are held almost everywhere and allow you to meet others who have been where you’re at now.

Learning how to love your daughter but hate her addiction is the best way for your to support her addiction recovery. As you begin to attend meetings multiple times a week, invite your daughter to go with you. Hopefully you both will find a supportive environment that will nurture you and your family as you move past this devastating disease.

Good Luck,


“Were did I go wrong”

by: Jerry

First of all please, don’t blame yourself for her addiction, it’s not your fault. Peer pressure is to blame. I’m sure you are a very good parent that loves your daughter very much and only wants the best for her as every parent does.

We do not seek out drugs on our own, at some point she was at a get together and I’m sure there was at least one person there that had the drugs on them and introduced them to her, and along with the peer pressure she fell victim.

I’m sure that with the support of you and the love you have for her will change her habits and be able to maintain a productive life. Just come at her with a loving heart and support but what ever you do don’t be aggressive toward her and be demanding because that will only cause her to resent you and drive her to seek more and more drugs and maybe even harder drugs and will cause her to isolate herself and will cause her to distance herself from her family.

I say that because that is what happened to me. The more aggressive my family was the more I distanced myself and isolated from the world and I’ve been battling addiction for over 30 years. I will be praying for her and your family and hope this is helpful to you to understand addiction some what but as I read what Debbie had advised Al-anon is a great support group to better explain the misery of addiction.

Best to you,

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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