Yaba Addiction

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Yaba Addiction

by Hasrat

(Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Hi, my bf is addicted to yaba for one year, for the last 4 month he is taking it regularly, whenever he stops it affects his health. today he has confessed to me about this, what can I do to free him from this addiction?

Comments for Yaba Addiction

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Yaba addiction is a very serious problem but your bf can recover from it.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Hasrat,

Yaba addiction is a serious often deadly disease of the brain. When your bf takes yaba it attacks his brain and convinces him that he must have more and more yaba every day.

The good news is that bf friend admitted to you that he has an addiction problem, the bad news is that yaba addiction can be extremely difficult to stop. It’s going to take everything both you and your bf friend have to get over this problem and he needs to be clean for at least a year before you can begin to trust him when he says that he isn’t using.

The first thing I would recommend that you do to help your bf is to go to a doctor with him and ask the doctor to help your bf to withdraw safely from yaba so that it doesn’t affect his health. Also, ask the doctor what treatment options are available, (once he is through the withdrawal process) to help him to end his addiction.

The second thing I would do is to start attending Alcoholics Anonymous/AA meetings with him and begin working the 12 step program. The first step of the program is to admit that you have a problem and that your life has become unmanageable, it sounds like your bf has already done that. The rest of the 12 steps will help him to change his life and learn how to live without using yaba.

AA meetings and contact information in Dhaka:

Monday AA meeting in Bangladesh

Venue: Banani Church

Time: 7:00PM-8:00PM

Contact Cell: +8801777750884

Thursday AA meeting in Bangladesh

Venue: Banani Church

Time: 7:00PM-8:00PM

Contact Cell: +8801777750884

As I said at the beginning, yaba addiction is a deadly problem that left untreated will destroy you and your bf, so please take action as quickly as you can to begin to help him.

Good Luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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