Info On Drug Addiction

Info On Drug Addiction

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Info On Drug Addiction

Info On Drug Addiction:  Addiction Treatment

The very first step in the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Step program
gives us the key to Alcoholism Addiction Treatment. “We admitted that we
were powerless over our alcoholism –that our lives had become

That may sound trite, but there are two very
important points for the person affected in that statement, that, (1) we
are out of control and, (2) our lives are unmanageable.

I see people come and go from the treatment center every week. Some
are seeking help after a repeat bout with the disease, while others are
obviously there because someone else has either encouraged them or
pestered them enough to force an action.

Sometimes a
person is there because of a court order. Those who have had a relapse
may be discouraged or angry with themselves, but they’re participating
because they agree with Step One.

People who aren’t in
agreement with that realization will most often say it’s the other
person’s problem. If they’re there by court order, they’re often pretty
angry about it. People who are either abusing alcohol or are in the
grip of alcoholism may completely deny their problem, and when they
enter treatment it’s with “kicking and screaming” and not their own

Info On Drug Addiction: Why is addiction treatment necessary?

Why is treatment necessary? Consider the following pieces of information and make your own determination.

If a person with the disease decides to quit on their own, they stand about a 4% chance of staying sober for a year. Everyone wants to do it alone but very few succeed!

that same person were to go through treatment, their chances of staying
sober for the following year will increase to 50 percent. If a person
goes through addiction treatment, accepts weekly aftercare
and regularly participates in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, their
chances of staying sober for the next year increase to 90 percent. You
can see that treatment and maintenance are effective. But it doesn’t
stop there.

Info On Drug Addiction; There is no cure for addiction

is no cure for drug addiction. It’s important to
understand this vital fact. People trying to sell products will tell you
that they can cure alcoholism but the really only want your money.

of that, alcohol addiction and alcoholism needs to be managed. People
need a plan. Addiction treatment programs for drug abuse are varied, but we’ll give you an initial look at some of
them. The treatment option that is right for you, or someone you love,
is best outlined by a professional and we encourage you to seek help.
The professional counselor or therapist is well equipped to map out the
right strategy for the individual.

Correct diagnosis very important for Addiction Treatment

any disease, there needs to be a correct diagnosis, followed by a good
treatment plan. That initial assessment may lead to a stay in a
residential treatment center, or outpatient treatment, or participation
in an AA group. In any case, it is important to tailor make the best
possible program.

The program will be determined largely
by a person’s battle with the disease. What is the level of
dependence? Let’s say, for example, that a person is functioning well
in life and they can demonstrate a level of control over their drinking,
some minor intervention to assist in giving the person tools to help
control the disease may be sufficient. However, if a person is farther
down the path and they’re not in control, that option is not going to be
effective. They must stop drinking entirely and that will take some

Info On Drug Addiction: There is a thirty percent dropout rate for outpatient treatment

is not much evidence to suggest that inpatient is better than
outpatient for Addiction Treatment, other than there is a 30
percent dropout rate in outpatient people.

The dropout
rate for inpatient is about 10%, so that would suggest an edge to
inpatient treatment. The following page will give you a look at the
various types of treatment, and as you pursue options, you may want to
consider what each has to offer.

In any case, we encourage you to seek help.

For more Info On Drug Addiction visit our home page.

Info On Drug Addiction: Questions about addiction

Tell grandparents about drug addiction?

by Ydnick 

(Denver, CO)

I would like some advice about the best way to tell my 82 and 86 year
old parents about our 23 year old son’s drug addiction and entry into a
rehab program.

He’s been dealing with this for around 3 years,
seeing a therapist and relapsing off and on (Oxycontin) while using
Suboxone in between. He asked to go to rehab, and we were encouraged
about this. He’ll be entering an extended care program like a sober
house after rehab.

We’ve kept his drug problems from his
grandparents because they have a lot on their plate and due to their
age. I don’t want to lie to them about where their grandson is and I
think our son could use all the positive support he can get.

How would you go about breaking the news to them?

Be Calm and Truthful

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Ydnick,

Sometimes it is very difficult to share,
or to try to explain addiction troubles with someone who has an
emotional attachment, or who fundamentally does not understand the
nature of the situation. Grandparents have a right to know, but telling
them isn’t easy.

A substance use disorder (addiction) is a
brain disease. In order for your son to become dependent on the opiate
pain medication he had to have the right conditions in his brain.

person may take a prescription of oxycontin and have no issues, while
another person, through no fault of their own, takes it and something
happens to them that causes them to desire more and more drug. The
right factors came together and it happened, whether it was through a
legitimate need to control pain, or because of an illegal recreational

Grandma and Grandpa need to understand that nobody
sets out to be an addict, but the disease develops and they need
treatment. They also need to know that they can be a big part of your
son’s recovery by being supportive and offering encouragement. Your son
is seeking treatment and wants to learn how to manage his disease, just
as if he had a heart condition or diabetes.

Books like “Why
Don’t They Just Quit?” by Joe Herzanek are very useful in explaining the
nature of the disease and providing answers to so many important
questions. Likewise, we try to answer those questions on this web site,
but the important thing for you, if you are going to tell them, is to
sit down and explain your son’s disease in a calm manner.

may react emotionally to this but stay calm. Substance use disorder is a
family disease, so they can play an important role in making sure your
son has a successful program and can go on to live a happy and
productive life.

Addicted to snorting pills?

by Malani

I’m addicted to snorting pills and smoking weed. I desperately need help???

One Step At A Time

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Malani,

It is good that you recognize that you
have a problem, a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). That is the first major
obstacle to getting better. There are many options available to you,
depending on your ability to pay for services. I would recommend a
physical examination to determine your overall health and to see if
there are any other issues that would get in the way of your becoming

Many people think they can handle their addiction
issues alone, but this is not necessary and certainly not recommended.
You need to get out of the environment and away from your daily routine.
If all of your friends are drug users, get new friends. You need to
turn the other way.

Seek treatment and follow that treatment
with a good recovery program. You need the love and support of people
who understand you, which is why Alcoholics Anonymous is such a valuable
source of support. You need to make a decision to change your life and
get away from everything that causes you to use and perpetuate your

You can make a call to a local drug treatment center
and ask them what your options are for treatment. If you do not have
insurance or financial means, there are free clinics and county social
services that you can call for a possible solution.

AA is FREE and if you are serious about kicking your habit, they will be
there for you. It works if you work it. Faith-based groups, such as
the Salvation Army, have excellent resources to help you.

you do, please don’t try to do it alone, or shut off your family and
those who love you. You will not earn any points for being brave, or
being self-sustaining. No person is an island, so allow others to love
you and support you during this time.

You can do this, so make that first call.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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