Drug Addiction Cycle

Breaking the drug addiction cycleDon’t addicts have to want to be treated?The short answer is no they can still be helped by treatment even if they don’t initially want treatment.I facilitate a spirituality group discussion each week which tries to help break the drug addiction cycle. Drug Addiction Cycle

The reasons for clients being in that session range from court-ordered addiction treatment to self-initiated participation in the treatment program. Therefore, each week there are varying levels of buy-in when it comes to treatment. Regardless of the person’s individual attitudes the treatment can still help them even if they don’t really want to be treated. When there is pressure to receive treatment, addicts can successfully receive help. Addiction recovery is a process.Addiction recovery is a process to break the drug addiction cycle. Certainly it helps when an addict knows he/she had a problem and wants the treatment, and many of the people I have encountered are in that category. But it’s interesting to see how many are not. In our discussions, we offer a 1 to 5 scale of each person’s buy-in. That is, are they fighting the treatment, or are they surrendering to the treatment process. – 1. The first point on the scale, is someone who is “total rebellion.” They are there because somebody said they had to be there. – 2. The second position on the scale is “somewhat compliant,” meaning they will offer a degree of cooperation, but they are not thrilled with it. – 3. The middle mark is “compliant,” and that simply means they will cooperate. – 4. The fourth point on the scale is “moving closer,” which means that the person is not only cooperating, but they are starting to internalize the program and they want more. – 5. The final stage is “total surrender” and at that point the person is not only wanting the treatment, but claiming everything for themselves. This is total buy-in. They not only comprehend what the program is offering, but they are apprehending every morsel. No matter where somebody is on that scale, treatment can be effective. They can learn to break their drug addiction cycle. Slowly over time they move from 1 – Total Rebellion to 5 – Total Surrender. The question is how bad does their life have to become before they learn how to break their drug addiction cycle?

For more information on breaking the drug addiction cycle go to Treatment

This site contains five MAIN pages that EVERYONE should read:






Read these five pages and learn what you need to know to spot drug addiction in: Yourself… Your Family… Your Friends… Your Community…The rest of the pages are there for your reference to explain important topics in more detail.

Finally don’t miss the Spiritual and 12-step sections to fully explore how understanding THE SPIRIT can lead to recovery!

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