An anesthetic gone bad
Like many other drugs of abuse, PCP (phencyclidine) was originally intended to be an anesthetic, but in the 1950s it was determined that the side effects of this drug were so severe that it was unsuitable for human use and so any research and further development was discontinued.
Like LSD, PCP is classified as a hallucinogen, but it is far more dangerous than LSD, mainly because it can produce violent behavior, and users can experience seizures, coma and even death.
It can do many things to a person all at the same time, such as act as a hallucinogen, a depressant, a stimulant and an anesthetic. The dangerous potential of the drug can also make the user feel numb and invincible, impervious to pain. That combined with the serious mind-altering effects can make a person highly dangerous to his/her self and others.
One of the side-effects that can lead to the dangerous behavior is the user will start feeling like there is impending doom, as they become detached from others and their surroundings.
Paranoia sets in and they may feel like they are being pushed away, or that people are out to get them. They can be spotted by the blank stare on their face, or slurred speech, or loss of motor function. They may also display strange, involuntary eye movements.
Users often experience auditory hallucinations and visual distortions. This combined with acute anxiety and paranoia lead to severe mood changes. The risks far outweigh the faulty reasons for using this dangerous substance.
It is a white crystalline powder, which can also come in tablets or in liquid form. Users can swallow the pills, or lace tobacco or marijuana cigarettes with the substance and smoke it.
My recommendation about PCP Dont get anywhere near it!
For more about PCP link to Books
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