Becoming an alcoholic?

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Becoming an alcoholic?

I was the daughter of an alcoholic, and I stressed my whole teen and young adult life, I see the same thing happening to me… I’m becoming an alcoholic!

What do I do?

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You can avoid alcoholism

by: Ned Wicker

There is a genetic component to alcoholism, so it is not a surprise that you find yourself going down the same path as your father.

However, you do not have to allow alcohol to be the determining factor in your life and it’s good that you recognize you are potentially in for the same kind of life that caused you so much stress as a teen and young adult.

Knowing that you have potential for developing the same disease, you can go to your doctor and have a medical examination. From there, depending on the level of your disease, you may elect to go into a treatment program of some kind and begin to put your life back in order. But treatment is just the beginning.

Alcoholism is a brain disease, so you have to do some work to rewire the brain and allow yourself to life a healthy, happy life. The old habits have to fall away, replaced by new habits. I would strongly suggest going to Alcoholics Anonymous, attend their 12 Step meetings and work the program.

You may have to look a little while to find a meeting that does focus on the 12 Steps, not just a meeting for the sake of having a meeting. You need a sponsor, someone who will guide you through the steps and be there to help.

Your family is also involved, just as you were involved those many years. Al-anon is a group dedicated to helping families like yours. Those around the person with the problem need to know what to do in order to be a help and not a hindrance or worse yet, an enabler.

Family is important and sometimes they are harder to help, so Al-anon is another important component to your getting better.

You see the problem and you own up to it. That’s good. You can put yourself right into the driver’s seat, but you must allow others to help you along.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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