Drug Addiction Destroyed Athlete’s Dreams
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Drug Addiction Destroyed Athlete’s Dreams
by Brian
Athlete Drug Abuse Story – Died 11 Minutes – God Raised Dead
Brian Irons is a well-known gifted and talented sport player. One day, this artistic athlete decided to smoke marijuana with the high school basketball teammates. With all his heart, he believes smoking or inhaling marijuana is the reason for his drug use elevation.
Never did Brian Irons believe that smoking Cocaine, snorting Heroin, swallowing Valiums, drinking cough syrup mixed with Tylenol 3 & 4, taking Codeine Pills, or any other chemical controlled substance would be his experience. Not only that, but Brian never thought a time would come that drugs would destroy his athletic vision/dream.
Brian Irons earned 2 M.V.P. trophies as a pitcher, and 2 M.V.P. trophies as a quarterback. He was asked by four high school students to sign his name on their books and papers, after watching him play five straight games of basketball. First 8 street fights were knockdowns. First place trophy in a dancing contest. Wow, Brian Irons is a very gifted and talented young athlete/man.
One day, as Brian Irons was getting high, his heart stopped beating for 11 minutes. Brian then went into a deep coma, and stays in it for ten days. Due to the heart stop and coma experience, his brain suffered a horrific injury. Not only that, but the nerves in Brian’s left leg suffered damage. Yes, he can walk decently, but his athletic dreams are long gone. Wow, this talented athlete kept on using and abusing drugs, until drugs used and abused him. But God’s mercy brought Brian Irons out of it all.
After experiencing this drug abusing conflict, Brian turns to God for help. God’s word explained how sin persuades people to experiment with drugs. Brian went to God, and the sins that started his drug using experiences were forgiven. God rehabbed Brian’s life time after time. Brian Irons message to the world is this, “Do not allow your living to be influenced by chemical control substances”. If you do, your life will continually experience “I Did Not Know” tragedies.
and Finally Remember:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8
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