Drug Dependence Therapy

Drug Dependence TherapyThere does not have to be a split between a Faith-based Drug Dependence Therapy approach to Drug Dependence and a medical or scientific approach to addiction. A medical approach to Drug Dependence follows the science that God created, and therefore, it’s a viable pathway to recovery. The 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous is an exceptional tool for treating the spirit, while the medical team treats the body and mind.

Different Schools of ThoughtWhen we look for the causes of Drug Dependence, we’re looking for a focal point or something that readily explains why the addiction has occurred. In attempting to explain, there are several schools of thought that are widely used by psychotherapists, drug counselors and other professionals. Some are purely science, while others are more theoretical, and one is spiritual. We include this because it is interesting to compare and discuss the various theories, as they all have merit, exhaustive research supporting their positions and have all been used to successfully help people. Of course, there is controversy. In another discussion, Evolution, for example, is controversial in that is endeavors to explain the origin of human life in the absence of a creator god. Creationism, on the other hand, tries to explain the origin of life in terms of God, the creator. Interestingly, both camps can look at the same data and draw opposite conclusions. Accepting the differences of opinion and approach were some of the methodological major areas that guide our understanding of addiction and human behavior. We offer a simple statement on each for the purpose of helping you understand that there are many ways to examine addiction and so many ways of affecting a solution. Biophysical This is the disease model of addiction. This theory suggests that addiction is purely a physiological problem. For example, one of the aspects is temperament and this model would suggest that human temperament is a physiological phenomenon, nothing more, and some temperaments are more predisposed to addiction than others. The points they examine for diagnosis are heredity, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. They exclude the impact of personal history or any spiritual component.When we talk about addiction being a disease, we are not limiting disease to purely physiological observation. Interpsychic Most people have heard of Sigmund Freud, who was the father of psychoanalysis. You are familiar with the scene of a patient lying on a couch talking about their childhood. This theory would argue that Drug Dependence is caused by unresolved conflicts and repressed anxieties. The therapist would use free association, memories, dreams and tests like the ink blots to make a diagnosis. The therapist will probe the unconscious and try to identify defense mechanisms. They assume some childhood anxiety is at the root of your defensiveness, and somehow using drugs is a coping tool. Phenomenological The therapist using this model is looking for incongruence. Say for example, that you are asked how you feel. You render a deep sigh and replay with a droopy face, “Oh, I’m OK.” That’s incongruence. They would view Drug Dependence as being a problem, because it limits or denies self-actualization. It is all based on the patient’s reporting of their attitudes and feelings. Behavioral The operative word is learned. Drug Dependence would be considered a maladaptive behavior, caused by deficiency in learning—that is, you’re not learning the right things. Drugs are a conditioned response. You take drugs, you get high, and you want more. Therefore, you have to unlearn that maladaptive response. Faith-Based This perspective integrates all of these approaches. Borrowing from all four, a spiritual component is added. This is “soul care” and is an integrated, holistic approach to the problem. A prime example is the 12 Step process, although it is not, by definition, a religious method, as practiced by Alcoholics Anonymous. It encompasses all of the theories, but also addresses the helplessness of addiction by introducing the idea of a “higher power” or “God, as we understood him” as a powerful, sustaining force. Each of these methods have merit and all should be explored to help someone trying to stop their addiction.Even if your life experiences does not include addiction, following the 12-Steps links us to the creator, to make His presence in our lives a vital, life-giving pathway to fulfillment. A Faith-based Drug Dependence Therapy approach is a holistic approach to treat the entire person; body, mind and spirit. Faith-based Drug Dependence Therapy centers consider the medical needs of patients, but they also recognize the spiritual element of recovery. It is one thing to get over the immediate physical affects of Drug Dependence, that is to go through detoxification, but is quite another to continue to work at the difficult task of living without the crutch. It is one thing to not use drugs, but is quite another to not need or crave drugs. Drug Dependence a problem of identity Here’s something to think about. Drug Dependence can be thought of as a problem of identity. The drug takes over to the point where nothing else matters, and as the process unfolds, the person becomes lost, sometimes to the point where they are hardly recognizable. For more about God and addiction please click here:
Made in God’s image

The person’s identity becomes the drug. The Bible states that man is made in the image of God and man was created with a free will to make his own decisions. When addiction sets in, who is making the decisions? When the addict admits that his life is out of control (Step One) he is beginning to realize that his identity is lost. He may not put it in exactly those terms, but the truth is the drug is in charge. “I’m not religious, but I am spiritual.” We hear people say, “I am not religious, but I am spiritual.” We can accept that statement because we are spiritual beings. Religion carries a variety of connotations, and most of them are negative. Our definition of religion is as follows: Religion is about what I can do to be acceptable to God. We prefer to avoid the use of the word religion and instead use the word relationship.” To us, relationship centers on what God did to make us acceptable. Without getting into too much detail, suffice it to say that the “power greater than ourselves,” as stated in Step Two, is a loving creator God, who is interested in having a relationship with us, sees our suffering and stretches His hand out to us to help. This isn’t religion but your recovery may be based on knowing that God or a “higher power” loves you and wants to help you recover. Just as medical books are the basis for educating doctors, the Bible is our “owner’s manual” for gaining insight into the human condition.

How is discipleship like recovery? Read more…

Only a spiritual experience will totally conquer your addiction The AA book states on page 44, that: “You may be suffering from and illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer.” This leads us down a slightly different path. If my treatment requires a medical intervention, such as the prescribed use of Methadone, then what is this spiritual experience and what does it got to do with me? We have already talked about the sense of self and our relationships with others, to some kind of higher power as we define it, and or relationship to the world. Here’s an experiment. Remove all of the distractions like the radio, TV and try to remove any external noises and stimuli. Stand in front of the mirror, relax and look at yourself. Look deep into your eyes. Let your mind wander. Open yourself up to your higher power. What do you see? What are you feeling? Be honest. The Alcoholics Anonymous book shares a conclusion on page 570 that might be helpful to you in your self-examination before the mirror. “We find that no one need have difficulty with the spirituality of the program. Willingness, honesty and open mindedness are the essentials of recovery. But these are indispensable.” God will meet you where you are at From a Faith-based Drug Dependence Therapy perspective, we are told time and again in the New Testament that God will meet us where we are and that we are already loved and accepted. You are probably already familiar with the popular verse John 3:16, mainly because you always see somebody holding up a sign at a football game or some other sporting event. The verse is actually a quote from Jesus of Nazareth, who said: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life.” But many people have never taken a look at the continuation of the quote, which is vitally important to those in recovery, as it separates religion from relationship. John 3:17 states: “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” The help that you need, the power you require and the relationship that can guide you through recovery is not going to judge you. You have a true friend, who has not changed and will not change. You have a friend who knew you long before you were born and made the personal decision to lay down his life for you for no other reason than he loved you. That sounds like hope to me. What does it sound like to you?10 Ways We deny the Truth About Addiction The Scary Truth vs. Deadly Denial please go to this link to understand the many ways you and deny Drug Dependence. Drug Dependence Therapy 10 ways to deny addiction more Christian Drug RehabilitationSYMPTOMS…




Read these five pages and learn what you need to know to spot Addiction to Drugs in: Yourself… Your Family… Your Friends… Your Community…The rest of the pages are there for your reference to explain important topics in more detail.

Finally don’t miss the Spiritual and 12-step sections to fully explore how understanding THE SPIRIT can lead to recovery!


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