He drinks and I do meth… we have four girls?

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He drinks and I do meth… we have four girls?

by RJ

My husband and I are struggling, we’ve been married 25 years and he drinks and I do meth.

It’s not everyday but sometimes it’s 4 days… it’s crazy I’m sick of the feeling after the fact.

We have four girls and it’s a struggle; beautiful home and good jobs it’s so overwhelming!

I’m an emotional wreck; I always say never again then a few days go by and I want it 🙁

Lord hear my prayers!

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Focus on Step Two

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear RJ,

The second step of the 12 step program says:

“Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity”

The Lord will hear and answer your prayer if you seek Him. Overcoming your addiction alone is almost impossible so you MUST seek help.

You use again because your brain is telling you to that you must use. Meth addiction is a disease of the brain and you must reprogram your brain to no longer need meth. That’s what the 12 step groups are for.

Your husband’s brain NEEDS alcohol and your brain needs methamphetamine. But a power greater than both of you can restore you to sanity if you allow Him to. Start going to AA or NA meetings and begin working the steps. Step Two is SO powerful and will give you HOPE if you focus on it.

Growth is the goal with the 12 steps and you can begin to go to meetings even if you’re still using. I would recommend you go to meetings daily and you will find that if you work the steps they will begin to help you to learn to get control of your life back from your addiction.

Hopefully, your husband will begin his journey as well once he sees how well you are doing.

Good Luck and may you listen as God not only hears but answers your prayer,



by: Anonymous

That’s very sad to hear, especially that you have 4 girls, to worry about, but I think first of all (like I told my son who is addict) you must take care of YOU first, you’re of no help while your in that life. I also honestly feel that its YOUR (the addicts) decision to get help and most can’t do it alone, help is everywhere get some for the sake of your family!!


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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