How much before sick?

by Debora

How many times can someone do drugs before they get really sick or die from it?

How much before sick?

by: Lynette

Someone could die on their very first use of certain drugs. I have heard that a young person died of inhaling fumes from some source (paint spray can or something like that). It is called huffing. Also, someone could die of a drug overdose OR of a bad reaction to a lot of different drugs. So, needless to say, abusing drugs is VERY DANGEROUS.

As far as getting sick from using drugs, just abusing any drug is a sign of the sickness of drug abuse. With some drugs, like crack cocaine, you can become addicted on your very first use.

I don’t know why you are asking these questions but you, or someone you know, are in danger from drugs, PLEASE get in touch with a medical doctor or with a drug and alcohol counselor.

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