Comments for looking for an answer

Drug Test May Be Limited

by: Debbie Wicker

One reason that your daughter passed her urine test even if she was huffing is that the test only looks for VERY common drugs. Complete drug testing is very expensive and time consuming so most tests are less expensive and therefore less thorough.

I do agree with the comment above that your daughter does need to get into treatment and I’m sure you’re trying to get her to go in.

Good Luck to you and your family and may God Bless your daughter during this very hard time.

Not really sure, however….

by: J R M

I really don’t think so because of most test that are administered are used to detect the obvious drugs. I’m assuming when you say “Inhalants” it could be anything from glue, gas, or some type aerosol can ?

Or is it the gas called nitrous oxide which is used a lot by dentist or at least was in the past. I have done a lot of testing being in recovery and have not heard of a test that would detect inhalants.

Although that would really be a good idea to figure out a way to test for that !

I would like to say that I myself went through a 9 month long-Christian based program and it completely changed my life ! I would really recommend that you try and put your daughter in something like this to get her away from people,places, and things for a while !!!

I’m not trying to act like a know it all or save the world however this is the kind of stuff that keeps me clean and sober and i truly hope that your daughter finds this as well however it is a battle that she will have to fight for the rest of her life.

I really wish that i would have had that kind of care and support when i was young but with younger adults they tend to be embarrassed or worry about what other people will think, at least I know i did and now i truly realize how silly that was. It comes down to a choice your daughter has to make… life or death ?

Things really do get better with hard work and for me it’s to believe in god and thank him everyday however the rest of the world is not as easily convinced of this and so we sometimes feel out of place in recovery but it’s my life and your child’s and so what really else matters but being a productive and influential member of society. I hope that i have helped you some and that i didn’t ramble on too much for you.

I hope the best for your daughter and your family. I will stay on this site to see if you post again or i can be of any more help. thanks JRM

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