My Story: Drugs Got Me but Didn’t Define Me
My Story: Drugs Got Me but Didn’t Define Me
by AlecZondra Tiera
(Franklin, NC)
My Story: Drugs Got Me but Didn’t Define Me
Hi, my name is Tiera. I’m 18 and from Greenville, Sc. I moved to Franklin when I was 10 with my mom, step-dad and my siblings. I am a student here a MEC. I had dreams and goals like every other 10 year old. I wanted to be a famous singer, but years later I grew a strong passion for pastry cooking, I loved whipping up cakes and pies and such. I wanted to own my own pastry shop as well. I knew for sure I was going to make my dreams come true when I got accepted into MEC.
When I was 15 I got caught up with the wrong crowd. I was never one for peer pressure growing up, so I thought. It started with one cigarette taking puffs here and there. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal until that one puff turned into a cigarette a day, which turned into multiple cigarettes a day. Before I knew it, it was a pack a day. I knew it was wrong, not just because I was totally underage to smoke them but because I knew what they were doing to my body, but still that peer pressure was there. I do have to take some responsibility for even falling into the peer pressure because I was always a leader, not a follower.
When I turned 16 I got my license. I felt like I got a whole new level of freedom, which I did and it didn’t take any time before I started abusing it. The peer pressure was gone; it was just me making very stupid choices. I continued to hang with the same worthless people who wanted nothing in life but to stay high and drunk. I started getting in the habit of skipping my classes just to get high and have fun with these people who I called “friends”. Little did I know at the time none of them were my true friends. I’m sorry, but true friends don’t let you go down the wrong path in life, and as I grow more and learn more in life I have definitely found out who are my true friends, which is only a handful.
I didn’t think the activities I was engaging in were bad for me, though I knew if I were to get caught I would get in a heap of trouble. Ever heard the two words Gateway Drug? We hear all the time about Gateway drugs. Weed was a big quote on quote a Gateway Drug. I didn’t believe it. I was smoking weed just about every day 3 times a day if not more, and sometimes I was smoking the synthetic weed, the fake stuff. The stuff that’s now killing kids my age and younger, even ruining their lives. Before I knew it I was addicted. It didn’t quite faze me, until it became my Gateway Drug. Next thing I knew I was popping pills, snorting them too.
I met me a new crowd of worthless drug addicts who were taking Molly. Molly is a pure form of MDMA (ecstasy). It’s an energy booster which makes you dangerously high, speeding your heart rate. Sweating is a big side effect from this drug. I was popping me a few in before I would go to the club on Saturday nights. Once again, I was making more stupid choices, but at the time it was me wanting to do whatever I could do to forget my problems in life and not having to deal with them, and getting high and doing other things was my way.
Five months ago I turned the big 18. Boy was I excited. I was moving out of my mom’s place and getting my own place so I could do whatever I wanted when I wanted, and that’s exactly what I did. The drinking set in, but it was nowhere near as bad as the drugs. By this time I had tried it all except for heroin. By the grace of God I didn’t get addicted to anything else other than the weed. I continue smoking and doing the other drugs, just not as much as I was smoking.
On March 27th 2013 during my spring break my life took a turn that I had no idea it was going to take. It was supposed to be like any other day like I had for the past year, but it wasn’t. Never in a million years did I ever think such a thing would happen to me. I know I’m not invincible but still, never. I was beaten and raped.
For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why it happened to me. I felt like nothing! I felt as if my life had no more worth to it. From the drugs and drinking to the beating and rape. I didn’t know who I was anymore. I felt like my life had no meaning anymore. My education was slowly getting worse. Before everything I had a 3.5 GPA. Skipping classes went to not going to school at all, barley making it to class twice a week.
After my unbearable beating and rape I lost who I was. The drugs got worst and I quickly losing it. Suicide began to set in. I couldn’t even live with myself anymore. I hated what I had turned into.
What happen to the big dreams I had for myself?
How did I allow myself to get with the wrong people?
Why did I let drugs take over my life?
None of these things were in my plans for life. I was young and just wanted to have fun that was all, and it turned into something way more than fun.
After all the suicide attempts and multiple visits to the hospital I couldn’t handle any longer. This was not what I wanted for me.
After talking with wise people I knew who gave great advice I wanted to get my act together. I knew my life wouldn’t change if I didn’t change it, and that’s exactly what I did. It wasn’t easy and I’m still in the process of getting it together.
I have now been sober from all drugs except for weed for the last three months, and a week from weed. Baby steps, it’s not going to happen overnight but as long as I’m walking forward with my head held high I’m going to overcome this.
I’m no longer going to let it defeat me, be me, control me or take over my life. It’s not easy I can promise you that but I will beat this. I’m a very smart, strong, independent, and spontaneous girl and I will make it. Every day I have to tell myself that I’m smart, I’m kind, and I’m important. Those words get me thru my day along with finding my inner peace. I will not let my past define me no longer.
I’m sharing my story because I don’t want for any of you to go thru what I had too. I can promise you there are lots of ways to have fun then doing drugs and getting mixed up with the wrong people. I know this is Franklin and there’s really nothing to do here, but you can be creative and come up with things to do.
There’s more to my story but i feel like I’ve gotten my point across. Drugs are not worth it at all. I hope you all listened and take what I’ve said inconsideration and DON’T DO DRUGS!
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and Finally Remember:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8
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