Questions about drug addiction?

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by John

Hello, I’m currently a college student, I am writing a paper about drug addiction and I was hoping I could have a few questions answered? It would mean a lot and I would really appreciate it.

1) What does the agency/organization do for it’s clients?

2) What are the goals and values of the organization/agency?

3) How did you become interested in your position?

4) How long has your organization been around?

5) Which geographic areas do you cover?

6) What do you find rewarding about the work that you do?

7) What, if anything, do you find overwhelming about the work that you do?

8) What advice would you give to someone who was interested in working with people who are drug addicts?

9) What, in your opinion, is a practical solution to drug addiction?

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Here are the answers you requested.

by: Debbie Wicker

1) What does the agency/organization do for it’s clients?

We are strictly a media company so we publish this website and host a weekly radio show on addiction called Recovery Now! We are also writing a new book about drug addiction which will be published in 2014.

2) What are the goals and values of the organization/agency?

To educate as many people as possible about drug addiction and the value of using the 12-step program in all of it’s incarnations to treat it. To help people to realize the difficulty of treating addictions and to seek a spiritual transformation as the necessary component for recovery.

3) How did you become interested in your position?

My husband, Ned (who is the writer/editor of this site), is a hospital chaplain and worked at a treatment center when we decided to create this site. He OFTEN sees people with terrible medical problems related to addiction and wants to help people to find the right treatment for their issues.

I’m a trained mental health counselor and work with clients who have addiction and other co-occurring mental health issues.

4) How long has your organization been around?

We started the site in February of 2008.

5) Which geographic areas do you cover?

The site reaches over 800 countries on a daily basis.

6) What do you find rewarding about the work that you do?

Helping people to sift through the noise and find the treatment they need to end their addiction. Also, to help educate families and loved ones of addicts, so that they can begin to help the addict without enabling them. To learn how to love the sinner but to hate the sin.

7) What, if anything, do you find overwhelming about the work that you do?

Nothing, it is very fulfilling and rewarding because only the addict can make the correct choices to move past their addiction to live a happy, joyous and free life!

8) What advice would you give to someone who was interested in working with people who are drug addicts?

Get as much good training and education as you can about mental health diseases and their treatment. Also, get spiritual training to assist as people try to make a necessary spiritual reconnection and transformation necessary to overcome the disease.

9) What, in your opinion, is a practical solution to drug addiction?

Working the 12 Steps is the best treatment for addiction and has been proven time and time again to be effective. If the addict works the steps, the steps will transform the addict. A spiritual reconnection is an ESSENTIAL component of ANY addiction recovery!

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and Finally Remember:

“”Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.””
– Matthew 7:7-8

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