What support is available?

by Linda

We adopted a boy when he was a baby, 18 months old that was a methamphetamine baby. He is raised now, and we are just now finding problems that he has…He has heart disease, is OCD, ADHD, and we are thinking he has Paranoia Schizophrenia.

He is being tested now for other things, but we know he has heart disease. His specialist told us he has the heart of a 90 year old man, and is surprised he is still alive…and our son is going to have further tests and they are talking about putting a stint(s) in his heart.

I believe it is the way we raised him…that has kept him alive this long. We love him dearly. I have a question. I just want to know if there are support groups for him? There is a lot of anger, he doesn’t know why, and neither do we.

We have tried to get him psychiatric help…but so far…no luck. We would just like to know what is available out there (support and information) for Adult that were born addicted to meth. His mother took many things besides meth…

But that was the main thing she took…He wasn’t even two pounds when he was born. I would like any information that you could possibly give me.

Thank you

Answer may be in your own backyeard

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Linda,
It is only natural that your son wants answers to questions. Obviously his birth mother made so many bad choices in her life and those choices had devastating consequences on her child. I realize that most of American society does not go to church, because I believe as much as his problems are physical, he also has spiritual issues at hand which are just as important. But the question that I was asking myself as I read your story was simply, “What is your son’s plan for living the rest of his life?”
Regardless of religious preference, God answers those major questions of life. So the question becomes, “What do I do with my life?” We all tend to dwell on the past and your son has been irreparably harmed. I have a dear friend who has cancer and he really wasn’t expected to live more than a couple of years, but now that he has lived with it for 11 years, his philosophy makes so much sense—he says, “I can choose how I feel about how I feel.” He puts health matters into the hands of his oncologist and the Almighty and he goes about his business. His life has been dedicated to reaching out to others, to offer comfort, an empathic presence and support. If there is no support group in your immediate community, perhaps you son can start his own and reach out to children of addicted parents. Your son, like countless thousands of others, has had to deal with the unintended consequences of bad decisions. He may find that focusing on the troubles of others will be very therapeutic.
I truly believe the faith community is the place to go for support and love. There is a huge spiritual component in his experience, but I believe his can have a major positive impact on people like him who suffer.

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