Where to find classes for parents of drug addict?

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Where to find classes for parents of drug addict?

by Kathy

Our son is in care for a serious drug addiction. It was suggested to us as parents to come to a few classes. Can you please tell me where there are classes for parents of a person on drugs?


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Al-anon meetings likely your best bet

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Kathy,

Learning more about your son’s drug addiction will allow you to understand how to help him once he finishes his rehab. Rehab is only the beginning of his recovery and the more you know the better decisions you will make once he returns.

Many parents in your situation have found Al-anon to be extremely supportive, educational and useful. Al-anon is based on the 12 step process and treats addiction and alcoholism as a family disease.

Understanding yourself and how you are reacting to the addiction will assist your understanding what you son is experiencing and learning in his treatment program.

What often happens is an addict goes into treatment, begins to improve and feel better and then returns home where nothing has changed and they quickly relapse.

That probably why it’s been recommended that you attend classes. As you work the 12 steps it will help you to begin to breakthrough any denial, anger, sadness or other issues you may have concerning your son’s drug addiction. Then, when he completes his rehab it should hopefully improve the communication and other issues between you and your son.

There is also a new group forming online called Parents of Drug Addicts (PODA), which you can find at Parentsofdrugaddicts.net.
You can join their private Facebook group and get a network of other parents to bounce ideas off of to help your son to get well as quickly as possible.

Good Luck,



by: Anonymous

Good luck and pray a lot Kathy

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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