6 years together

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6 years together

by Unreal

I just found out two days ago that my boyfriend of 6 years has a serious heroin addiction. He only told me because I was on my way to reporting money was stolen from my checking account to the cops while on the phone with him and he said, “wait—I took it. I was going to put it back. I have a heroin problem. Please don’t press charges.” Suddenly my whole life crumbled.

I love this boy more than anything. My father died when I was 16 and he is the only way I survived. I also battled bulimia and he was so patient and loving and helped me through it.

We went to elementary school together, grew up in the same neighborhood, and were best friends since junior high. People always told us we had a fairy tale relationship.

I broke up with him out of devastation and fear and now he is texting me saying he will die without me and to think of it as saving a life, and threatening to kill himself if we can’t eventually be together.

I don’t know what to do. I can’t even get out of bed. I love him so much and feel like I am abandoning him and leaving him to die when he was there for me. I don’t know that I want to live without him either….I just don’t know.

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You need to love him but HATE his addiction!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Unreal,

Wow, I can’t imagine the shock, anger, fear and sadness you’re feeling right now. It’s only been two days since you’ve learned that the love of your life is addicted to heroin and stealing from you to support his habit.

Heroin addiction is a disease of the brain and will turn your friend into a person capable of ANYTHING to get the drug that they are convinced they MUST have. Heroin addiction, if left untreated, is often fatal.

Your friend, even though he may not know it, is in a life and death struggle. You can help him with this struggle but ONLY if you don’t enable his drug use in ANY way.

You must get all of the support you can to help him through this illness. If he has any family, you need to both go to his family and tell them that he is addicted to heroin and needs to find addiction treatment.

He must agree to addiction treatment immediately and also pay you back the money he took from you. If he refuses then you must not see him at all until you know he is in treatment.

You both also MUST!!! go to 12 step meetings together DAILY for 90 days. AA an Al-non have excellent programs which are free and readily available. If he refuses to go, then go by yourself so that you learn as much as possible.

Don’t allow him to continue to keep this a secret from everyone. The more open you both are about his problem the more likely it is that he will get the treatment he so desperately needs.

Good Luck and try to stay as strong as you can in this awful circumstance,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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