Abusing Alcohol Causes

Abusing Alcohol CausesAbusing Alcohol CausesWhy can one person drink and never have to worry about developing the disease called Abusing Alcohol, while another person is in jeopardy by merely taking one sip, what causes Abusing Alcohol in one person and not another? Like the onset of many other diseases, Abusing Alcohol may afflict one person and not another because of individual factors or circumstances. Alcohol is brain alteringOther Abusing Alcohol Causes are alcohol alters the balance of some brain chemicals. For example, gamma-aninobutyric acid (GABA) controls impulsive actions, but under the influence of alcohol, that function is decreased. Another chemical is glutamate which stimulates the central nervous system. Alcohol alters the levels of dopamine, which contributes to the pleasurable “click” that people with the disease experience when taking the first drink. When the brain chemistry is changed, the body begins to crave alcohol, thus more and more drug is needed to “feel good.” This is another of the Abusing Alcohol Causes.Trying to feel goodPeople naturally want to feel good, and when something makes you feel good, such as taking a drink, it’s understandable you will want to repeat the experience. That “click” is the first warning sign of potential problems. The disease progresses as alcohol changes brain chemistry. When brain chemicals are increased or decreased, the body craves more and more alcohol. The body “needs” the alcohol to feel good. Abusing Alcohol has set in.What risk factors are Abusing Alcohol CausesThere are several possible Abusing Alcohol Causes and risk factors for the disease. The individual is the determining factor when assessing risk of contracting the disease. One or more of these causes/risk factors can indicate the presence of Abusing Alcohol or addiction. Genetic: If your parents or grandparents were addicted to alcohol, the chances are strong that you will be vulnerable to the disease. Healthcare professionals will take a family history to look for risk factors for many diseases. Abusing Alcohol is no different. Children of alcoholics will not necessarily become alcoholics themselves, but the medical history indicates a possibility.Emotional Makeup: People may use alcohol to block the pain in the life. Alcohol is used as a coping device and there are certain stress hormones that may contribute to the progression of the disease.Psychological: People suffering from depression or low self esteem may be more likely to develop a drinking problem. They are more likely to try to “fit in” with their friends, who “enable” the problem to continue.Social: Alcohol is legal, readily available and drinking is socially acceptable. Alcohol is promoted heavily in the media, and having a few beers before, during and after a sporting event is part of American culture. There is a peer pressure to drink, to be a part of the crowd.Frequency: Drinking alcohol regularly can cause Abusing Alcohol. People who drink regularly over time may be at risk of developing a physical dependence on alcohol. If studies show that one/two drinks per day for the average person (15 per week for men, 12 per week for women) is within safe limits, then it follows that going beyond that limit can produce problems.Age: Young people are at greater risk of developing Abusing Alcohol, especially if they start drinking by age 16 or sooner. Gender: Men are more likely to develop the disease than women. If a person has risk factors at play, that does not mean they are automatically going to develop the disease; it is not necessarily a Abusing Alcohol Causes. It is possible, likewise, for a person with no risk factors at all, no family history, to develop the disease. It is important for people to know the risk factors and the causes of the disease to avoid getting into trouble with alcohol.It can’t happen to me!Another common mistake people make is assuming “it won’t happen to me.” In a society that glorifies alcohol consumption, from beers at sporting events, to fine wines at upscale establishments, the risk factors are obvious. Two martini lunches and bourbon on the rocks after office hours are indicators that Americans embrace alcohol use. Alcohol is everywhere. Education is important, to understand how the disease progresses, how it can be managed or avoided, and how it impacts our society in general. Not everybody who drinks develops the disease, but it is important to understand that it is possible and that moderation is a key element in maintaining a healthy balance. If there are risk factors present, if a person begins to use alcohol more frequently, or daily, then there may be a problem. (See signs and symptoms.) LINKEverywhere in our cultureBecause alcohol is so prevalent in our society, because it is so widely accepted if not embraced, it is difficult to see when a person is slipping from social drinking into something more problematic. The individual who is on the downward slide is not likely to recognize any of the signs and therefore needs others to intercede.We encourage you to examine these risk factors and Abusing Alcohol Causes to see if there is a problem in your life, or with someone you love, or someone you know. If there is, please seek the help of an alcohol treatment professional.For More Abusing Alcohol Causes click here

This site contains five MAIN pages that EVERYONE should read:






Read these five pages and learn what you need to know to spot Abusing Alcohol in: Yourself… Your Family… Your Friends… Your Community…The rest of the pages are there for your reference to explain important topics in more detail.

Finally don’t miss the Spiritual and 12-step sections to fully explore how understanding THE SPIRIT can lead to recovery!

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