Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation

Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation

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Christian Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation Program

Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation 

Here are a few questions we’ve received about Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation:

How do I overcome pills?!?

by Karen

I need help for overcoming pills?!?

Seek Qualified Professional Help

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Karen,

Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD, aka
“addiction”) can happen to anybody, regardless of the good intentions
one may have for using one drug or another. Not knowing the nature of
your situation, it is difficult to offer any specifics, but I do
encourage you to share this with your doctor.

If you are
misusing a prescription medication, properly prescribed by a doctor, you
need to have an open and honest conversation about that. If you are
hooked on pills you are buying illegally off the street, you should
likewise have a physical examination to determine your state of health
and begin to explore possible treatment options.

plans come in so many forms and it is necessary to personalize one to
meet your specific needs. Again, having a consult with a medical
professional is a good idea. You must also understand that you are
body, mind and spirit and so you should attend to all three areas.

is where groups like Alcoholics Anonymous come in, as their meetings
and programs offer support as we deal with the treatment phase and the
recovery phase that follows.

It is important to understand
that you don’t have to go through your suffering alone. So often people
reject the help of others and refuse to accept any love and support.
This is foolishness. SUD just doesn’t go away and most people just
can’t turn off the dependence, or turn off the cravings.

We are
all interconnected and we need other people to help us get through our
trials in life. Seek out the companionship of those in recovery.

are many faith-based programs that will help you spiritually. Many who
have gone through the 12 Step process, even in secular programs like
AA, have discovered a spiritual revival that has changed their lives.
Rebuilding body, mind and spirit restores the entire person. It doesn’t
just get them off drugs.

You have options. It is time for you to seek professional counsel and move forward.

What to tell my son??? ASAP!

I recently learned that my sons’ mother is shooting up a half gram of
meth a day. She will not be allowed to see him until I have proof of

What do I tell him?

I don’t want him to think his
mom doesn’t love him and/or has abandoned him. We are currently in a
parenting plan case, but after learning of her problem, will be turning
into a custody case.

Please, if someone has advice for me on anything that might help, including the steps to do so and maybe legal advice.

We live in Washington State and it has been several days since he has seen his mom so I need advice soon.

Try to Help

by: Ned Wicker

I am not a lawyer and cannot help you with any legal matters. If
it is your desire to keep the relationship alive, here is a suggestion.

Not knowing the age of your child I suggest tell your son, in
an age-appropriate way, that his mother does love him, but she has a
brain disease, which is exactly what her problem is.

is a brain disease, which strips the individual of any ability to
choose. The meth is highly addictive and it’s got her by the throat. As
painful as a custody battle can be, I’d go to the mat to protect my
boy. His mother is sick and she needs treatment. She needs to get her
life back.

I am not suggesting that you use your son as a pawn
in this fight, but if she is interested in being a responsible mother,
the drugs have to go. Left unchecked and without treatment, the meth
habit will rot her away.

You may not be with her anymore, but I
hope you still want the best for her and that means getting into
treatment to beat this dreadful disease. She will never be cured, but
she can certainly manage her disease and lead a healthy, productive
life. She can be a great mom.

Maybe if you can explain this to
your son, you and he can both help his mom. You can set a marvelous
example of compassion and concern by trying to help, not punish. You
can show your son that you understand that he needs his mother and he
should love his mother.

Again, you can strengthen the bond with
your son, help his mother and protect him. However, you need to be
alert and not allow your son to be in a drug house. Ultimately, that’s a
decision that she is going to have to make.

For more about Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation visit our home page.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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