Suboxone Detox

Suboxone Detox

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Suboxone Detox offers different treatment options

The battle against drug dependence keeps advancing. Over the years methadone has been used to treat opiate addiction, but for the last fifteen years two drugs have been used to help patients withdraw from opiate addiction.

Unlike methadone, which can only be dispensed by authorized treatment centers, patients can now get help from their own physician. Suboxone has brought on change in treatment options.

How these drugs work

The active ingredient in both drugs is something called buprenorphine hydrochloride, used to lessen the symptoms of opiate withdrawal and dependence. The difference between the two drugs is the ingredient naloxone, which is added to Suboxone as a guard against misuse. Subutex is administered only in the first days of treatment and Suboxone is used thereafter for maintenance. That is why the naloxone is added as a detergent against abuse .

Because there are only a limited number of treatment centers that can dispense methadone, and so many more cases of opiate dependence than available treatment centers, these drugs became the first two approved medications. Patients who need treatment for opiate dependence can get prescriptions from their personal doctor for these drugs. It was a good idea back in 2000, because now more patients have access to treatment.

There are serious concerns about abusing these drugs. Death from overdose is possible, especially if the drug is injected with a tranquilizer. If a patient stops using it too fast, they can experience withdrawal symptoms, so the use of Suboxone Detox should be exactly as the physician prescribes. Because it’s used for maintenance the patient should not stop using the drug without first talking to their doctor.

These drugs may have less potential for abuse than methadone, so patients can receive a supply of the drugs to have at home, as they progress in treatment. And because patients can receive take home prescriptions, the FDA developed a plan to detect abuse. If necessary the FDA can initiate tighter controls over the drugs.

Should never be abused or purchased on the street

One risk of using these drugs is using more than is prescribed. Suboxone is sold on the street and, because it is an opiate it can be abused and is addictive. Suboxone addiction and withdrawal is often described as worse than any other opiate withdrawal because the side effects don’t seem to go away quickly. That’s why it’s critical to only take what is prescribed and NEVER buy it on the street.

No magic pill for Addiction Recovery

While Subutex and Suboxone Detox are effective new ways to battle against opiate dependence, and the convenience of going to one’s own doctor for treatment can be positive, what is missing from the approach to recovery is the human element. We are body, mind and spirit, and a visit to the doctor can help the body, but the mind and spirit are left out.

In addition to the medical intervention, people need people. The opportunity to share one’s personal experience, or to learn from the experience of others is huge. There is therapeutic value in that shared experience. For those seeking relief from opiate dependence, in addition to the medications available to help you through, consider connecting to a group, or receiving help from a behavioral health professional to take care of body, mind and spirit.

For additional information contact the CSAT Buprenorphine Information Center at 866-BUP-CSAT,

or via email at i[email protected] or

Will Suboxone work to detox from heroin?

by Joe Smith

(Albany, NY)

I currently am addicted to Heroin and would like to detox with Suboxone
but I am scared it won’t help and I will still be sick from withdrawals.

don’t want to go on Methodone because the nearest treatment has a 100
people on the waiting list or over an hour drive which i would have to
drive every day for 3 months.

Has anyone used Suboxone to detox from Heroin and did it work?

Individual Needs

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Joe,

The ideal treatment program, from
detoxification to recovery, is designed individually for the person.
This is a conversation you need to have with professional people, as
they will work with you to determine what is best for you.

many Suboxone has proven to be effective, and you are quite right,
methadone clinics are sometimes inconveniently located. You should also
consider a medical workup to determine your over all health.

You might also want to consider only using the Suboxone for the shorted requisite time. Some have made bad decisions.

Make sure it is under a doctor’s care and don’t buy this on the street.

There is hope and you probably can do well. Call a treatment center or call your doctor and make sure your program works.

Methadone’s not a good choice

by: Anonymous

Plus, Methadone can just replace the heroin. It’s basically a
legalized way to get high. It’s just legal drug use. My ex-boyfriend
just got addicted to it instead of the heroin.

Husband thinks I’m still using?

by Shayne

(Rockford IL)

I’ve been an addict for as long as I can remember it got really bad
about 6 yrs ago. I was taking norco daily for 3yrs started Suboxone
thought it was a miracle, boy was I wrong.

After 2yrs of that I
decided I wanted my life back and stopped about a month ago. It was the
worst detox ever! My husband of 10yrs is trying but thinks I’m still
using. There’s times I can’t move and others when the anxiety is so bad I
can’t sit still.

I realize I can’t do this by myself and I made
an appt for treatment Monday. I just don’t know how to make him see
that I’m not using and when he gives me the look it makes my anxiety 10
times worse, which makes him think I’m messed up?

Any advice would be great. Thanks for your time.

You Need Support

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Shayne,

I am so pleased you are taking treatment,
because getting the drugs out of your system is the beginning of a new
life. Your recovery will have its challenges, as it natural for people
to think you’re still using.

You have a history and they aren’t
necessarily looking ahead with you, but looking behind at what
happened. That’s why going to meetings is so important. The people at
NA and AA know what you are going through. They understand and they
will not judge you. Give them a chance.

Also, your husband
needs treatment and Al-Anon is a good organization for him to turn to.
Hopefully in the space of time he will learn to trust you again.

Good luck on your journey!

For more about Suboxone Detox link to Intervention

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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