Addiction, no respector of person.

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Addiction, no respector of person.

by Kim Higgins

(Kennett, Mo)

Addiction is no respecter of persons. It doesn’t care what race you are, how old you are, whether you are rich or poor, or what gender you are, or what your occupation may be.

I am a 49 year old female, and am married to the commander of the Bootheel Drug Task Force in Kennett, Mo. My son-in-law is a Sergent for the Kennett Police Department.

I was employed as a Deputy Court Clerk for the State of Missouri in Dunklin County for 15 years. My job duties where filing criminal charges, issuing warrants for arrest, suspending driver’s license, doing bond forfeiture papers, filing ignition interlock device papers, filing defensive driving class papers, filing bond revocation papers, disposing cases and ect….

Now to the embarrassing part of the story, I was arrested for driving under the influence of prescription medication after I ran through my home with my husbands Task Force vehicle while he was sleeping. I was under the influence of hydracodone, Xanax, and resteril.

My husband immediately woke up and came to the door and began yelling “what have you done?” I of course, was raddled and confused as to what had just happened. I was not in my right mind, or should I say I was in a medicated state of mind.

My husband didn’t waste any time calling my son-in-law who was on duty and both had me arrested. I was charged and the same Judge I worked for, issued a warrant for my arrest and set my bond at $25,000.00 cash only. I am a poor girl and there was no possible way I could post this kind of bond.

I sat in jail for a week before I could even get a court date to go in front of the judge. While in jail I went through severe withdrawals and had severe hallucinations. After finally going to court I was sent to the Ozarks to a rehab that was four hours away from my hometown.

After a week at the rehab I walked away from it and hitchhiked, something I would have never done before I became an addict. I got a couple rides to Poplar Bluff, Missouri where I called my father to come pick me up and bring me back to Kennett where I live. After a day and a half I turned myself in and sat in jail for another week. I went before the judge again and was ordered to go through Drug Court.

I am now in Drug Court Rehab. I am 100 days clean now. I have my life back, this program has saved my life! I am no longer walking around in a fog or a cloud. I can think clearly now. I have learned so much in the program and am learning more every day.

It is a very organized and structured program. Life is wonderful!!! I missed out on so much! I missed the first 3 years of my granddaughter’s life. She just had her 3rd birthday and it felt great being sober at it. I can’t remember even being there for the first two birthdays.

My husband has his wife back, my daughter has her mother back, my parents have their daughter back, and my siblings have their sister back. I became an addict and had a love affair with hydracodone and it almost cost me my life.

If you are addicted to hydracodone, alcohol or any other drug, and need help, I ask that you please ask for help. There are all kinds of help out there, but you have to make the first step.

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How true

by: Chris

I was raised in church and in a good family, had a good job, had a nice home, a nice car, a great family but lost it all. At 57 I am having to start all over in life. Who is going to hire me at my age? I wish you luck on your journey and you are right, addiction has no respect for anyone.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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