Boyfriend has relapsed on cocaine?

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Boyfriend has relapsed on cocaine?

by Wynnie

(Charlotte, NC)

My boyfriend is in a relapse with crack. It has been 4 years since his last relapse and 7 years since his rehab stay (in Florida).

I do not know how to find help for him locally. I was not involved with him during the previous addiction and relapses; I do not know anything about addiction.

He has a job, but no medical benefits, he is 2/3 way through his 90 day probationary period.

He is indigent, really; he moved in to my house last august, and i was already paying all the bills. He helps out with some monies but there’s no way either he nor I can afford a rehab facility.

We live in Charlotte, NC.

Thank you for your help; I feel so helpless in this and don’t know how to get him help.

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He needs to get back “on the wagon”

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Wynnie,

Addiction is a complex problem that is different in each of us. Relapse is VERY common, research shows that about 60% of addicts relapse.

Is your boyfriend going to daily 12-step meetings? Charlotte as many, many meetings of AA, NA or CA and your boyfriend MUST be in meetings EVERYDAY for at least 90 days to learn how his addiction is effecting him.

Research also shows that most addicts agree that reconnecting with a “higher power” is one of the most useful things that they can do. He should also get a sponsor who recovered from cocaine addiction and who can support him every time he feels like using.

The only people I know who have successfully overcome the cravings and issues of cocaine addiction where FULLY invested in a 12-step program and helped others once they had overcome their own immediate need to use.

You should stand with him but not enable his drug use in ANY WAY! Don’t cover for him, don’t lie to his PO, don’t give him money and don’t make excuses for his drug use.

Find a good Al-anon meeting and start attending it to learn how to truly support him and not his drug use.

Good Luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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