Can Al-anon help?

by Judy

Is Al Anon a place to go for help with a drug addicted son. I am desperate to find some help for him.

I can’t take the insanity I live with every day any more. I am worried sick every day and trying to work and maintain some semblance of normalcy in my life and not doing a very good job of it.

Al-Anon is for You

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Kathy,

Al-Anon is a good resource for you, to learn how to cope with your son’s addiction. It is not meant for him.

The best thing for your son is to get into treatment. If he is an adult, living off you, he must also learn that there are consequences to his choices, so do not be afraid to stand your ground and demand that he straighten up.

I know this is heartbreaking for you, but your son needs treatment and if he refuses to allow the help he needs, you might have to take some drastic action in order to attempt to save him from a destructive path. Call Al-Anon. They can help.

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