Daughter may be an alcoholic?

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Daughter may be an alcoholic?

I believe my 28 yr old daughter is an alcoholic. When I try to talk to her about it, she either gets mad or just walks off. Then I don’t hear from her for weeks.

What do I do or say to help her?

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Don’t let her fool you!

by: Ned Wicker

Alcoholics are never wrong, because they never have a problem. It’s always you with the problem.

Your daughter is in denial and will likely be the very last person to admit that she has a disease she cannot control. You need to get educated because you’re in for a fight.

Al-Anon is an excellent resource. Also, get the family members together for a conference because you can’t do this alone. You’ll need an army and family is the key to getting your daughter into treatment.

Joe Herzanek’s book, “Why Don’t They Just Quit?” is a terrific guide, as is “Getting Them Sober” by Toby Drews. You need to educate yourself, educate the family.

W.C. Fields once said “Never smarted up a chump,” and that’s what your daughter is counting on–that you will never smarten up and she can keep drinking. Make some calls and prepare for a difficult task, but a rewarding outcome. You can do this!


by: Robs Ranch

Alcoholic, at the beginning of there journey, have always seemed in their mind to be in control of their lives and never would admit that they are indeed Alcoholics. It is almost to the point that they need to reach out and ask for help and be willing before they can gain any direction in there recovery.

Although you daughter is running away whenever she is being confronted about her drinking it shows that she is aware that she has a problem and probably wants help. She is probably afraid and embarrassed of what she has become.

I would suggest seeking help for yourself at Al-anon and look for assistance for getting her help also. At your local Al-anon you will be able to find help in assisting your daughter.

I hope you find help soon.


by: Sally High

Seeking therapy early on as a family member can teach you how to approach your daughter in ways that will not directly cause her to run, hide or not open up and talk to you. Getting your daughter into substance abuse and mental health therapy early on can avoid years of prolonged suffering.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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