Drug Abuse Effects

Drug Abuse EffectsIt is everybody’s problem. An addict might say: “I’m not hurting anybody. I’m only hurting myself.”

However, we can quickly see that the statement is false, because there is no such thing as an addict who is only hurting him/herself. The problem is found everywhere, from the rich and privileged, to the lost members of society. For over 30 years the United States government has had its “War on Drugs,” but in that time frame we have seen in increase in crime, increase in healthcare costs and an alarming increase in the use of dangerous drugs such as cocaine, heroin, crack and methamphetamine.Question Submitted from one of the readers of this site.Question:
“War on Drugs” The “War on Drugs” has also brought on new research, a greater number of treatment facilities, new and sometimes controversial theories on treatment, advances in drug addiction medications, but are we winning? The effects of drug addiction are far reaching and can be seen in the home, on the job, in churches and in schools.

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What are the drug abuse effects on health?If left unchecked, the drug is going to win. Drug abuse is a disease of the brain, and the drugs change brain chemistry, which results in a change in behavior. Aside from the obvious behavioral consequences of addiction, the negative effects on a person’s health are potentially devastating. While addicts use drugs to “feel better,” the unintended consequences include but are not limited to overdose, HIV/AIDS, stroke, cardiovascular disease and a host of related maladies.To understand this better you may want to read “Get Sick to Feel Better” a story of the negative drug abuse effects…Drug Abuse Effects

What are the drug abuse effects on the family?One of the saddest aspects of the insidious nature of drug addiction is that by the time an addict realizes he/she has a problem, that problem has already taken a heavy toll on the family.

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