Drug Addiction Prevention

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Drug Addiction PreventionWhat Can Parents Do To Prevent Drug Abuse in Their Children?Consider the parents as being the front line of defense, “military commanders” fighting an ever-changing, ever-dangerous enemy. The best thing to do in preventing drug abuse is do your best. Your children are going to make their own choices in life, but you can have a dramatic impact on how they make those choices. There are many ways you can be proactive in the prevention of drug abuse in your family.“Do as I say not as I do” doesn’t work for drug addiction prevention in your children. If you want your children to avoid trying drugs or alcohol, refrain from using them yourself. Your example is stronger than your words. Mothers and fathers have equal, but very different responsibilities in this area, because children need both parents. Children will model their parents’ behavior patterns, and BOTH parents need to set the example. Talk to your children about drug addiction prevention! Use some common sense and talk to your kids about drug abuse at their level. You can use over-the-counter medicines as a good learning tool about your children. When you give them a children’s dosage of the medicine, explain to them that only mom and dad are to give the medicine. You can talk to them about the risks of drugs and how drugs can harm them.Listen to your kids! Allow your children to tell you what is going on in their lives. Don’t be ready to pounce on an idea, but let them talk to you. Kids will come up with some strange concepts, but listen and be supportive of them telling you about those mysterious ideas. This is not being their “buddy,” but it is being a good listener and a loving parent. Be the parent and be in control. The listening sessions, the little chats, the times you exchange ideas with your children all serve to fortify your relationship. As the parent, you need to be the one your child trusts, the person he/she knows will always love them and be supportive. Moms and dads are in a position to have tremendous influence for good for their children. It’s a difficult job being a parent, but in a world where drugs and alcohol are everywhere, parents need to take their “military commander” jobs very seriously.

For information on Drug Addiction Prevention go to Treatment

This site contains five MAIN pages that EVERYONE should read:






Read these five pages and learn what you need to know to spot drug addiction in: Yourself… Your Family… Your Friends… Your Community…The rest of the pages are there for your reference to explain important topics in more detail.

Finally don’t miss the Spiritual and 12-step sections to fully explore how understanding THE SPIRIT can lead to recovery!

For more information on answers to Drug Addiction Prevention Questions click on “What to do if…” on the left hand side of this page.

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