Drug Addiction Questions

Drug Addiction Questions

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Drug Addiction Questions

How do I talk to them to get them to stop?

There is no sense in arguing with an addict. Why? You don’t want to argue because you are wrong. You have been wrong, you are wrong and you will always be wrong. Only the addict is right.

Drug Addiction Questions

Against hundreds of reasonable, rational and correctly-formed opinions, the addict firmly believes he/she is right and the rest of you are wrong.

The hard part is separating your love of the person from what is in their best interest. People become enablers. We feel sorry for them, or don’t want to hurt them, or we just don’t want to face the problem head on and deal with it. The husband goes into his workshop to drink, and rather than having a fight, the wife allows it. Maybe the husband has given up because he does not believe there is anything he can do to stop his wife from using.

Sometimes a mere loving suggestion is helpful. But as the abuse of a substance grows into addiction, your loving suggestion is meaningless. You’ve heard of “tough love,” and that’s just what is needed. Depending on your situation, rather than going through the pain of endless arguments over their using, go to an interventionist and get help. That person is a professional and trained to implement the best strategy. In other words, don’t be a hero. Let the interventionist be your coach.

By allowing an independent third party into your situation, you are giving yourself an opportunity to take a step back, while still doing the right thing and being a helpful part of the scenario. People go months, years without ever knowing what to do. Meanwhile the addict continues. Do they care what you think? Do they make sense to you? You need a plan and the interventionist is the first step.

You may be asked to do something you really don’t want to do, such as allowing “tough love” to take its course. Again, be “coachable.” When the therapist lays out the plan, allow that plan to unfold without interference. You will be allowed to give your input and ask questions.

Remember this– if the addict does not allow anyone to help, if the addict refuses treatment and if the addict continues down the path to destruction, you can know that you did your best. You sought professional help. You did that which the addict was incapable of doing. Seeking professional help and getting the addict into treatment is a strong, loving move. Being supportive of the treatment plan is the right thing to do. Being a source of love and emotional support is good. Calling an interventionist is a smart, proactive move.
For more answers to drug addiction questions go to Intervention

What are some recovery tips for addiction?

Question: Can you please give me some important tips for recovery? I will try to follow the tips you give me as I work to recover from my addiction.

Answer: There are a lot of great tips to recover from drug and/or alcohol addiction.

Join a 12-step program at AA, NA, or CA and attend 90 meetings in 90
days. By attending these meetings daily you will re-train your brain not
to use drugs.

– Pick a sponsor that can help you any time you
feel like using. A good sponsor can get you through the rough patches
and help you stay sober.

– Keep away from ANYONE who uses drugs, going back to your usual environment is the quickest way to relapse.

If you relapse DON”T GIVE UP, relapse is common but you must stop using
immediately and back into treatment, the sooner the better.

– Connect with God, the more spiritual support you receive from God the more likely you are to recover.

– Work the steps of the 12-step program, or as they say in AA, the steps work if you work them.

– Get individual counseling or go into treatment, many times there are free services available if you seek them out.

Go to a doctor and have a medical checkup, tell him/her about your
addiction and make sure there are no under lying health issues that need

– Try to help others once you have been sober for a
while, helping others makes you realize how far you have come and helps
you to never want to go back.

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