Friend needs help?

by Patti

A friend is recovering from drug addiction and has been clean for a couple of years. She has a rental house that she loves and is comfortable in.

Recently an old drug addicted boyfriend showed up after being in prison. He had been sober and clean for about a year so she allowed him back into her life. Now he is using again.

I have asked her to leave (to get away from him) but it is HER HOME. What can she do to get him out?

He has no job, no money and God only knows where he is getting the money for drugs. She is afraid, we are in separate cities and she has to work…….

How can she get help? She is afraid if she kicks him out or gets restraining order she will end up dead…..I have searched the internet over for advise and found none.

Self-inflicted Misery

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Patti,
Your friend made a very bad decision. People who get out of prison and say they are clean are just fooling themselves and everybody else. Just because he wasn’t using didn’t make him healthy, as evidenced by the fact that he went right back to his old ways. She has a problem and she caused it.
If she allows this domestic situation to continue, she be miserably unhappy, or she’ll get sucked into the drug culture and throw her life away. She fears for her safety if she throws him out, but if he stays what does she have to look forward to? He is going to steal from her, lie to her, abuse her and they will have a relationship based on fear and intimidation. She really doesn’t have a choice but to jettison this guy.
If I owned the house I would want her out immediately. If I knew there was drug activity going on, I’d call the police. As a recovering addict, living with an addict is completely foolish. OK, maybe she’s lonely, maybe she still has feelings for him and maybe she thinks she can rehabilitate him. This is a situation ready to explode. She has brought in on herself and she is going to have to make a choice here. Otherwise she will be left with nothing, as he will take everything from her. She may go back to using and they both will either wind up in jail or dead. My question is simply this—“What is she afraid of? Is it what’s going to happen today, or is it what is going to happen tomorrow? What does she want for herself?”
You said she likes her rented house. Aside from the money, what is the cost of living there going to be with that man in the house? Unless she can act, her idea of a good life is gone.

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