Had a blackout?

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Had a blackout?


I’m an alcoholic and had a blackout, its a bank holiday and don’t know where all my money has gone?

I have herbal teas and thiamine will that save me from getting too bad. Think I could possible get some food at an AA meeting tonight but not for tomorrow morning and then again on Tuesday.

Just worried as my depression is really bad today just crying and been to the hospital all week their getting sick of me.

Many thanks

Comments for Had a blackout?

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Blackout are VERY serious and you need to get treatment ASAP!

by: Ned Wicker

The visits to the hospital will not help you. You need to either get treatment at an alcoholism treatment center, or go to AA meetings and allow people into your live to help you through the bad patches.

If you continue to drink, then go to the hospital when you feel bad, you’re not helping yourself and you’re just abusing the system. You need a dramatic change and a new direction. You need to accept one important fact–you can’t drink anymore.

There is no cure for alcoholism, but you can manage the disease and that means getting treatment and staying away from the drug that got you into so much trouble. You can’t have it your own way if you want to get better, so get some help.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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