Do I have to take medications for the rest of my life?

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Do I have to take medications for the rest of my life?

by Adam

(Mesa, Az)

Do I have to take medications like Risperidone and Ligotromone for the rest of my life for my part in drug abuse as I was younger?

I have experienced with inhalants, LSD, marijuana, crack cocaine, cocaine, glass, alcohol, rubber cement, and mushrooms.

I am now in recovery and I am currently taking medicine Risperidone and Ligotromone. I am hoping to get off of in about some couple years after I complete my goals including college and having a stable job.

I was wanting to know that I am confident to ask if I am going to have to take medicine for the rest of my life due to the health problems drugs make on someone?

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Much is unknown

by: Debbie Wicker

Hello Adam,

The drug abuse you experienced when you were younger can have lasting impacts on your brain chemistry. Because of that you may have to take psychotropic meds for the rest of your life.

The drugs you took cocaine, LSD, marijuana etc., all effect your brain chemistry in ways which are not fully understood. As research on the brain progresses we do learn more and more about the effects of these drugs on the brain, but sadly we still know very little.

It is possible with talk therapy and working the 12 steps your brain chemistry will return to where it was before the drug abuse but no one knows for sure.

I recommend you see a counselor and work the 12 steps, each of which should help you to stay sober and to potentially allow you to wean off of the meds over time. This all must be done with the supervision of your doctor who can advise you on what is possible as you move through your drug treatment.

Good Luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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