Drug Addiction Questions
Drug Addiction Questions
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Drug Addiction Questions:
What Should I Do? How do I know?
You are faced with a situation and you don’t know what to do. It’s common with people who are dealing with drug abuse and/or drug addiction questions for the first time, or even those who have dealt with them for years but never learned about what they can or should do in a given situation.
Major Topics
We have begun with 20 or so questions and will add to those questions as we receive them, or read about them on other sites. To make navigation a little easier, we have tried to divide questions up into major topic areas, i.e. what to do if you are a spouse or a parent or if you are having troubles. Please also let us know any drug addiction questions you have by using the “Contact Us” button on the top of this page.
I. Personal Concerns
I am on Step 3 and don’t know what to do.
My addiction causes me to be depressed and I’m thinking of suicide.
I tried 12-Step. It didn’t work.
What should I do if I need treatment, but I don’t have insurance or any money?
II. Family: Spouse/Partner
How do I talk to them to get them to stop?
My spouse says they are going to quit but they don’t?
I’m divorced and my spouse has the children half time. I believe my spouse is using drugs?
My spouse is drinking all the time, but I don’t know if he/she is an alcoholic?
III. Family: Child
I just found out my son/daughter is taking drugs.
I believe my son/daughter is taking my prescription medication.
IV. Recovery/Cycle of Addiction
What is the cycle of addiction and how does it relate to recovery?
How do I break the cycle of addiction in my life?
Don’t addicts have to want to be treated?
Isn’t a drug addict a person with weak character?
V. Intervention/Support/Treatment
What happens when you call a treatment center about an intervention?
What happens during an intervention?
What is Alanon and how do I get connected?
Is Alcoholics Anonymous just for people who believe in God?
Why should I go to a support group meeting?
VI. General Questions
Isn’t Drug Addiction self-inflicted?
Why so many treatment options for Drug Addiction?
VII. Prevention
I am in recovery, but I am afraid of using again?
What Can Parents Do To Prevent Drug Abuse in Their Children?
What can I do to prevent drug abuse and addiction?
That ends this section on Drug Addiction Questions; please visit our home page for more information.
Also, read Eric’s story, he was a good man with a fatal flaw.
and Finally Remember:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8
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