Drug Addiction Signs

Drug Addiction Signs

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Drug addiction signs can be difficult to spot.

Addicts will say they can handle it, or they can quit anytime.

The trouble is that the drug has them by the throat like a hound dog shaking a raccoon. The drug or alcohol will not let go easily!

When someone is addicted to drugs, there are generally some drug addiction signs warning of a problem:

– Does the person feel like they need to have the drug regularly, every day or more than every day?

– Do they make sure they have a steady supply of their drug on hand?

– Maybe they want to stop, but they just can’t.

– Because they can’t stop, they will do things they normally would not do to get the drugs.

– Do they need the drug to function normally?

– Are they willing to do something dangerous while on the drug, like operating a motor vehicle, or some kind of equipment that can cause bodily harm?

These could be drug addiction signs that you should assess either in yourself or in the person you’re concerned about.

Denial is rampant with addition so as you make the assessment try to be as honest and objective as possible.

Also try to think about how things have progressed in the last six months. Are there more signs now then there where six months ago?

What are the signs of drug addiction or abuse?

The symptoms vary. Perhaps it’s just trying something with friends at a party, or maybe a person hurts and they want to numb the pain.

It can start most any way, and some drugs are more addictive than others, but once the progression reaches the point where a person needs the drugs because of a physical dependence and compulsively works to get them, regardless of the impact on their friends and family, their job and their community, that person’s life is out of control.

Drug addition does not discriminate. It affects men and women of all ages; seniors, career-aged, young adults, teenagers and even children. The affects of drug and What Is Drug Addiction and Alcohol impact all of society.

10 Signs You May be Chemically Dependent

Steve Arterburn has the top ten drug addiction signs to help you identify chemical addiction (at http://www.newlife.com). You or your loved one may not have all of these symptoms but if they are a good characterization of the situation then you/your loved on may have a problem:

1. You’ve had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves.

2. You have tried to stop or felt the need to stop. While you are successful for a short period of time, you always return to the same levels of consumption.

3. You’ve lied to family members and friends about the frequency or extent of your drinking or “using.”

4. You keep a personal supply of alcohol, drugs or chemical “tools.”

5. You’ve withdrawn from your normal circle of friends and family.

6. It takes more alcohol or drugs than it used to, to relax or stimulate you.

7. You have memory “blackouts” or periods of time you can’t account for.

8. Your work or school performance has begun to decline and you have missed some days because of drinking or using.

9. You’re having difficulty participating in any of your old hobbies, sports or good time activities.

10. You feel uncomfortable talking about your drinking or drug use. The reality is, though, you will have to open up if you want to get well.

If most of these addiction signs are generally present then there is likely that there is chemical addiction.

What is Klonopin?

by Felice

(Chester Pa)

I am not an addict but I am a student who needs help with this question:
If Klonopin is being taken illegally how can you tell if someone is
addicted in those who may abuse it? I am in a science class and I am a
college student.

Potential Bad news

by: Ned Wicker

Klonopin (clonazepam) is a benzodiazepine, which are used for
treating anxiety. Exactly how they work, the mechanism, is not really
known, other than scientists have determined that the drug calms
excessive nerve activity in the brain, the cause of anxiety.

are helpful in treating anxiety, insomnia and are also used in some
cases for treating seizures. This group of drugs, including the
clonazepam, has been abused for years. It is a “downer” and while it
may produce some pleasurable effects, the side-effects are cause for
concern. Users have experienced hallucinations, wild thoughts, and
bizarre behavior.

Even though it depresses that nerve activity
in the brain, it can cause hyperactivity, and sometimes users become
irritated and aggressive. Depressants also can cause breathing
difficulties. “Downers” can also cause suicidal thoughts or thoughts of
inflicting harm. Abusers will show many signs of addiction, including
and not limited to an inability to choose to stop, loss of interest in
friends, school, activities and family. They may sleep too much, or too
little, or may display unusual behavior characteristics.

Now that you have a better understanding of drug addiction signs of chemical dependence please return to Symptoms.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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