Child’s father is opiate addict

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Child’s father is opiate addict

by Michele

(Pierce, Ga, USA)

I have been with my child’s father for 18 years- our daughter is eight years old. He is a functioning opiate addict for the most part. He goes to work everyday but the money he gets from work he does not contribute to our family.

I am on a very limited income and I am going to graduate school because I feel that I️ will have to be the sole provider for my daughter and I. Things have gotten really bad at home and he is verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive and that takes its toll on me. He tells me that I️ am a bad mother and everyone else got wives who are “good” (cook/clean) and he got me.

I have asked him to please go get help but he will never discuss it with me and refuses. I have just had to leave our home again with my daughter because the emotional and verbal abuse is getting worse. I want my daughter to be with both of her parents but I️ can’t take it anymore.

I DON’T want to leave but I️ DON’T want to live like this either. When I try to leave for a few days to stay with a relative he starts threatening to throw our things out- I’m just ready for some peace!

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We each make our own choices.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Michele,

I’m so very sorry that you’re living is such an awful and difficult circumstance. Opiate addiction changes our brain chemistry and turns us into different people, often unrecognizable from who we truly are.

You’re going to need to change things if things are going to change. That may sound obvious but it’s true. Opiate addiction is almost always fatal if left untreated, so it’s therefore imperative that your partner get help and stop using.

Please find a few Al-anon meetings in your area and begin attending their meetings. While at the meetings, please begin to work the 12-steps and also work with your sponsor to create an action plan for your family. Your plan must keep EVERYONE safe and also try to get your partner to get help.

We each make our own choices in life and you need to protect your children and not allow opiate addiction to control your life!

Good luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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