Can’t forget thoughts?

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Can’t forget thoughts?

by Brandon

I’m an ex user and I have been having thoughts and I don’t know how to forget them? Any ideas?

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Choose Your Thoughts

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Brandon,

It is very common for an ex-user to have cravings. I quit smoking over 20 years ago and stopped drinking, but I still have those thoughts about lighting up and downing a tall, cool mug of beer.

AA and groups like it are very helpful, because the meetings are attended by people just like you, who understand the cravings and have their own stories about how they deal with them.

I really think being a part of that recovery community will help you, if just for the fact that you’ll have somebody to talk to. It takes a little time to change your mind about something.

A thought is in your head and you determine is the wrong thought. What do you do, dwell on it and hope it goes away, or do you try to replace it with another thought? What do you want for yourself?

Focus on goals and ambitions, living a healthy and productive life. Think about the needs of others and do something to meet those needs. Think about people you love and show your appreciation for them. Most of all, be positive and realize that you get to make the choices in your life.

Choose to feel good. Choose not to have cravings. Choose to be healthy.

What you are going through is understandable. You’re not alone.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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